Department of Career Technical Education and Professional Studies

Department Head: Dr. Christi Trucks, 

The Department of Career Technical Education and Professional Studies offers Master of Science in Education (MSE) degrees in Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Business Marketing Education, and Library Media (MSE and Education Specialists degrees) for those who already hold initial certification. A non-professional educator certification MSE program in Instructional Technology is also available. The Department offers an alternative route for receiving a Master of Science in Education degree for those who have a bachelor's degree outside of education. The Alternative Class A Master of Science in Education (MSE) programs include Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Business Marketing Education. These alternative programs are designed to fully equip candidates to be effective educators.

Career/Technical Education

CTE 500  History and Philosophy of Career Technical Education  (3)  
Investigation and study of the historical foundations and the philosophy of the profession of Career Technical Education.
CTE 506  Practicum in CTE  (3)  
Directed experiences including observation and participation in career technical education programs and classrooms. Provides opportunities to observe and teach as well as apply theories and concepts. Seminars will be held in conjunction with this course.
CTE 516  Methods of Teaching for CTE  (3)  
Planning and implementing instructional methods and materials in middle and secondary career technical education programs. Some field experiences are required.
CTE 544  Assessment of Learning for Career and Technical Education  (3)  
This course provides practice in implementing appropriate evaluation of learning at the middle and secondary level for Career and Technical programs.
CTE 550  Basic Competencies for Career and Technical Education  (3)  
Foundational skills needed to teach, organize, and maintain career and technical programs in middle and secondary schools. Requirements to meet state and federal guidelines are covered. Professional skills needed to secure and maintain employment in CTE Teaching Fields.
CTE 560  Advanced Methods for Teaching Career Technical Education  (3)  
Study of Advanced Methods for Teaching Career Technical Education.

Family and Consumer Sciences

FCS 500  History and Philosophy of Family and Consumer Sciences  (3)  
Investigation and study of the historical foundations and the philosophy of the profession of Family and Consumer Sciences.
FCS 522  Integrated Family and Community Studies  (3)  
In this course, students will be introduced to the family as a social system and the social services, educational, and health related agencies that can help them maintain health and viability during times of transition and crisis.
FCS 526  Contemporary Issues in Textiles and Fashion  (3)  
Study of current global issues and trends in the textile and fashion industries.
FCS 536  Advanced Nutritional Therapy  (3)  
The study of advanced methods of nutritional management of individuals across the age continuum.
FCS 537  Advanced Methods of Nutritional Assessment  (3)  
Advanced methods for the nutritional assessment and nutritional management of individuals.
FCS 538  Critical Issues in Nutrition and Food Science  (3)  
Study and investigation of food, nutrition, and health issues facing the U.S. and world populations.
FCS 552  Advanced Human Development and Family Relations  (3)  
Advanced study of human development and family relations across the lifespan.
FCS 560  Advanced Methods for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences  (3)  
Study of advanced methods for teaching Family and Consumer Sciences curricula.
FCS 561  FCS Program Management  (3)  
The study of FCS management in grades 6-12. This course will span food service, apparel/textile, and management standards associated with developing FCS simulation labs in 6-12 schools. FCS 561 can not be taken with, or in place of, CTE 560.
FCS 562  FCS Entrepreneurship and Client Relations  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FCS 561.

This course will focus on event planning, housing, furnishings, interiors, and the role and demands of the consumer. Students will study design methods and tools using technology, client relationships, knowledge of textiles, and the elements of event planning. This course provides practice in building sound business as well as entrepreneurial knowledge along with knowledge related to Housing and Interior Design that relates to the service of clients. Consumer Economics, Resource Management, and Consumer Sciences will also be covered.

Instructional Media

EIM 502  Technology in Education  (3)  
The use of technology in the school setting. Research, small group discussions, and demonstrated applications will be emphasized.
EIM 503  Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning  (3)  
Introduction to instructional technology, focusing on methods for integrating technology and media into classroom instruction.
EIM 504  Learning Through Interactive Technologies  (3)  
Survey of current software and web-based technological applications in alignment with the needs of today's learners.
EIM 505  Digital Literacy in the Classroom  (3)  
Study of current school-based technological processes and procedures with an emphasis on student and teacher empowerment in the areas of finding, evaluating, and using digital products; understanding social and ethical issues raised by technology; and applying critical thinking skills to the use of technology in the K-12 environment.
EIM 517  Designing Virtual Learning Spaces  (3)  
Examines best practices of quality online courses. Students will plan, design, and develop online instructional materials with a focus on collaboration and interactivity to improve the educational experience of the user.
EIM 551  Technology in School Environments  (3)  
Examines the processes and technology in the K-12 environment, including the media center, the classroom, and via wireless/data plan networks.
EIM 555  Instructional Design  (3)  
Design and development of a systematic approach to learner-based instruction emphasizing the role of technology and media in the learning process.
EIM 610  Emerging Technology and Collaborative Tools  (3)  
Introduces the latest innovative technologies that promote learning. Students will explore various learning environments and develop technology enhanced educational activities that are engaging, collaborative, and place emphasis on increasing student achievement.
EIM 615  Online Course Design  (3)  
Examines the best practices of quality online courses for the K-12 environment. Students will plan, design, and develop a medial rich online course with a focus on collaboration and interactivity. Courses will be designed to meet iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Program.
EIM 620  Educational Multi-Media and Video  (3)  
Introduces the basics of video production utilizing digital video recording devices and video editing equipment. Students will study video technologies, basic equipment operation, video composition and video storytelling. Topics stress the creation of digital video productions for inclusion in multimedia and web applications for educational settings.
EIM 624  Advanced Digital Photography in Education  (3)  
Addresses the technical, visual, and conceptual challenges involved with digital photography in an educational setting. Topics include digital photography processes, file and storage consideration, image evaluation, image manipulation, and methods for using digital images to develop critical thinking skills.

Library Media

LM 512  Children's and Young Adult Literature  (3)  
Evaluation of books and other materials for junior/senior high school students. Selection aids, selection criteria, and interests, needs, and abilities of young adults emphasized; children's literature component included for those who have not previously taken a children's literature course.
LM 513  Management of Media Centers  (3)  
Policies and procedures relative to the operation of a media center.
LM 515  Internship in Media Services  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of the instructor.

Directed experience in performing various services in a school library media center. Must be completed at JSU.
LM 516  Practicum in Media Services  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): approval of the instructor.

Directed experience in performing various services in a school library media center.
LM 530  Librarian as Instructional Partner  (3)  
Examines the techniques needed for successful instruction across various grade levels and disciplines with a focus on standards-based instruction and assessment.
LM 531  Trends, Issues, Innovation and Leadership in Libraries and Schools  (3)  
A survey of the current trends and issues that affect libraries and schools. Promotes the process of becoming a school-based leader and instructional partner.
LM 532  Collection Management, Cataloging, and Reference  (3)  
Criteria of selection and evaluation of media center materials for building a library media collection to support the curriculum and encourage reading for pleasure. Principles and procedures of classifying and cataloging print and non-print media. Study and evaluation of basic reference sources and services.
LM 612  Advanced Materials for Children and Young Adults  (3)  
Applies innovative tools and techniques for access and utilization of materials for children and young adults in the classroom as they relate to collaboration with teachers. E-books and other electronic media emphasized. Lesson plans that are technology-oriented will be developed as students explore the integration of a variety of materials as they relate to learning styles and enhancement of learning.