Academic Ineligibility and Grade Appeals

Appeal Ineligible Status Readmission Process

When a student has been removed from graduate study for failing to meet scholastic or other degree requirements, the student may appeal for readmission. Once the student initiates the appeals process, it may take at least one semester for resolution. A student can only appeal for readmission one time during the pursuit of any graduate degree at JSU. The following procedure is available for students who have been declared ineligible to continue as graduate students:

  1. The student may submit a request for readmission to the Dean of the Graduate School by submitting the Graduate Ineligibility Appeals Form. Within this electronic form, a student should address the reasons why it would receive favorable action. The request must be submitted through the electronic form which allows the student to type directly into the form and attach additional supporting documentation.
  2. Upon receipt of the request, the Dean of the Graduate School will consult the Department Chair and Advisor of the student’s major to reach a decision on whether or not the student’s appeal will be granted. The student will be notified of this decision via e-mail.
  3. If the student’s appeal is not granted, the student may submit a written request to the Dean of the Graduate School for a meeting with an Appeals Committee. All emails with should be directed to
  4. Upon receipt of the request, the Dean of the Graduate School will schedule the meeting of the Appeals Committee and notify the student of its date, time, and location.
  5. The Appeals Committee will be appointed by the Dean and will be composed of members from the graduate faculty. The committee will be chaired by the Dean of the Graduate School.
  6. The committee will be provided with all available documents, including the student’s written request for appeal and the student’s undergraduate and graduate course history.
  7. The student will be afforded the opportunity to attend the Appeals Committee meeting and to provide additional, relevant information in support of his or her request for readmission. This is an administrative hearing and is limited to the committee members, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the student.
  8. The student will be notified of the decision made by the Appeals Committee in writing within 14 working days from the date of the meeting with the Appeals Committee. The final decision rests with the committee and is not open to further appeal.

Grade Appeal/Academic Grievance

An "academic grievance" is a claim by an enrolled student receiving academic credit for a course that a specific academic decision or action, such as a grade in a course, has violated published policies and procedures, or has been applied to the grievant in a manner different from that used for other students.

Students wishing to appeal a grade or reverse an academic decision should always begin by meeting with the instructor initiating the grade or decision. Oftentimes, this meeting will result in a satisfactory outcome for the student and instructor. If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the issue, the student should meet with the instructor's department head. If the issue remains unresolved, students should following the academic grievance process which can be found on the Academic Affairs Academic Grievances website.