Chemistry - General Chemistry with ACS Certification (Bachelor of Science)

The concentration in General Chemistry with the American Chemical Society Certification (ACS) is for students seeking careers as chemists or seeking admission to graduate programs in chemistry. This program is designed for the student who intends to become a professional chemist.  The requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in General Chemistry with ACS certification are:

Course Title Credits
Jax MIX General Education Curriculum41
Course Title Credits
Chemistry Requirements
CY 105
CY 107
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CY 106
CY 108
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
CY 231Organic Chemistry I4
CY 232Organic Chemistry II4
CY 341Physical Chemistry I (WI)4
CY 362Biochemistry I (WI)4
General Chemistry Concentration
CY 321Quantitative Analysis4
CY 342Physical Chemistry II4
CY 411Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry4
CY 421Instrumental Analysis4
CY 497Chemistry Research1
Select a minimum of 4 hours of CY electives4
Biochemistry II
Medical Biochemistry
Forensic Chemistry
Macro-Molecular Modeling
Advanced Materials and Technology
Advanced Topics in Chemistry
Support Courses
MS 125Calculus I4
MS 126Calculus II4
PHS 221Physics for Scientists and Engineers I w/Lab4
PHS 222Physics for Scientists and Engineers II w/Lab4
Total Hours61

In addition to courses noted below, candidates for graduation must successfully complete all JSU Academic Regulations. More information about Jax MIX requirements and Alabama Transfers equivalents can be found in their respective section of the catalog.

Plan of Study Grid
Jax MIX Communication: EH Composition Sequence 3
CY 105
CY 107
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I (Jax MIX Inquiry)
MS 125 Calculus I (Jax MIX Communication) 4
SSC 101 First Year Experience 0
Elective 3
Jax MIX Communication: EH Composition Sequence 3
CY 106
CY 108
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II (Jax MIX Inquiry)
Jax MIX Experience: Social/Behavioral Science 3
MS 126 Calculus II 4
Elective 3
Jax MIX Experience: History 1 3
PHS 221 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I w/Lab 4
CY 231 Organic Chemistry I 4
Elective 4
Jax MIX Expression: Literature 1 3
PHS 222 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II w/Lab 4
CY 232 Organic Chemistry II 4
Elective 6
EH 141 Speech (Jax MIX Communication) 3
Jax MIX Expression (Literature if sequence) 1 3
Jax MIX Experience: Social/Behavioral Science 3
CY 362 Biochemistry I (WI) 4
CY 497 Chemistry Research 1
Jax MIX Experience (History if sequence) 1 3
CY 321 Quantitative Analysis 4
CY 411 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 4
300+ Elective 4
Jax MIX Expression: Fine Arts 3
CY 341 Physical Chemistry I (WI) 4
300+ Elective 3
Elective 4
CY 342 Physical Chemistry II 4
CY 421 Instrumental Analysis 4
CY 300+ Elective 4
Elective 2
 Total Hours120