Jax MIX Requirements

A colorful Gamecock with the title Jax MIX.

Jax MIX is a signature general education program that aligns with JSU’s new strategic plan, provides a distinctive educational experience, and prepares students for success at JSU and beyond. This dynamic, innovative program helps students discover new knowledge and skills to reach college and career goals. The program also offers students the opportunity to individualize course selections to achieve badged microcredentials to complement their major program. 


To prepare students to be competent, ethical professionals and engaged, responsible, global citizens through core education centered on human communication, experience, expression, and inquiry. Students are encouraged through general education to reach for connections, engage with experiences, and discover opportunities as they develop skills essential for employability and lifelong learning. 

CompetenciesThe Three C’s: Communication, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration  

The JSU mission offers that Jax State graduates will be competent, ethical professionals. Key skills for professional success include communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. As effective communicators, students will be able to generate ethical communications that have a clear purpose and are well organized, grammatically correct, and appropriate to the audience. As critical thinkers, they will be able to reason quantitatively, logically, and/or symbolically to analyze and resolve problems. As effective team members, they will be able to develop rapport with others to achieve group cohesion and work effectively and respectfully to develop and accomplish a common goal. 

Programmatic Emphasis  

Jax MIX provides opportunities for the following knowledge and skills: 

  • Communication (12 hours): Category of courses that includes English composition, math, and speech  
  • Experience (12 hours): Category of courses that includes history and social/behavioral sciences  
  • Expression (9 hours): Category of courses that includes fine arts, literature, and humanities  
  • Inquiry (8 hours): Category of courses that includes physical, earth, and life sciences 

Requirements in these Jax MIX categories align with state-mandated general studies courses. Students transferring in general studies should consult the Jax MIX Transfer Crosswalk for additional details. 

Focus Options:

Students may choose a cluster of three courses (9 hours) as a Focus. Available focus options include:

These five focus options resonate with students and employers, so that students may choose a pathway through general education and to achieve 1) an accomplishment for a résumé and 2) first step towards a badged microcredential 

Every current undergraduate student may choose to pursue a Focus, regardless of their catalog year. Statewide articulation agreements mean that courses transferred from another Alabama institution, including community colleges, will be eligible for the Focus course clusters. Upon completion of Focus courses, students will see a course tag in Canvas Credentials, our badging software. A course tag may be awarded temporarily based on information in the Canvas gradebook; if final grades / course completion conflict with that course tag award, the tag may be removed later.  

Each focus features a core course and two elective courses.  Please see the corresponding tab for the requirements of each focus.   

Jax MIX Badged Microcredentials

Microcredentials will be signified by a digital badge. Jax MIX microcredentials require a 3-course focus plus attendance at three events connected to that focus and a work product and reflection related to the focus.  The “work product” may be a longer traditional project from any course, an internship, study abroad, research, community service, etc. Sample “work products” and more information about the guided reflection are available in the badge courses. Students planning to acquire a badge should enroll in the appropriate badge course in the semester planned for completion of the events and submission of the work product and reflection. Students may be awarded up to three (3) badges by enrolling in and passing the badge course:

  • MIX 295 Community Engagement Badge
  • MIX 296 Environmental Stewardship Badge
  • MIX 297 Ethical Leadership Badge
  • MIX 298 Global Connections Badge
  • MIX 299 Media Literacy Badge 
Course Title Credits
Jax MIX Communication12
Students must complete a composition sequence (by placement), EH 141, and three semester hours in math as required by the major.
English Composition I 1
Honors English Composition I
Enhanced English Composition I
English Composition II 1
Honors English Composition II
Enhanced English Composition II
Finite Mathematics
Honors Finite Mathematics
Precalculus Algebra
Precalculus Trigonometry
Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry
Calculus and Its Applications
Calculus I
Calculus II
Basic Statistics
Honors Basic Statistics
Calculus III
Jax MIX Expression9
Some programs specify which courses are required. Students must complete a minimum of three semester hours in fine arts and a minimum of three semester hours in literature. Students must complete a six-semester hour sequence in either literature or history.
Fine Arts
Survey of Art I
Survey of Art II (WI)
Creative Thinking
Art Appreciation
Honors Art Appreciation
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to Film
Introduction to Music
Honors Introduction to Music
Advanced Intro to Music (WI)
Introduction to the Theatre
Honors Introduction to the Theatre
Literature and Humanities
American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865
American Literature II: 1865 to Present
British Literature I: Beginnings to 1800
British Literature II: 1800 to Present
Literature for Life I: Beginnings to 20th Century
Literature for Life II: 20th Century to Present
Honors Literature I
Honors Literature II
World Literature I: Beginnings to 1660
World Literature II: 1660 to Present
Beginner's French I
Beginner's French II
Intermediate French I
Intermediate French II
Beginner Portuguese I
Beginner Portuguese II
Beginner's Spanish I
Beginner's Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Jax MIX Experience12
Some programs specify which courses are required. Students must complete a minimum of three semester hours in history. Students must complete a six-semester hour sequence in either literature or history.
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
Honors Western Civilization I
Honors Western Civilization II
World History I
World History II
American History I
American History II
Honors American History I
Honors American History II
Survey of Latin America to 1810
Survey of Latin America since 1810
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Introduction to Anthropology
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Honors Principles of Microeconomics
Honors Principles of Macroeconomics
World Regional Geography
Human Geography
Introduction to American Government
Introduction to Political Science
Introduction to State and Local Government
Honors Introduction to American Government
Principles of Psychology
Honors Principles of Psychology
Human Development
Introduction to Sociology
Honors Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Jax MIX Inquiry8
Some programs specify which courses are required. Students must complete eight semester hours of science, which must include two laboratory experiences.
Biology Lecture
Introductory Biology I
Introductory Biology II
Honors Introductory Biology I
Honors Introductory Biology II
Essentials of Biology
Biology of Disease
Environmental Biology
Biology Laboratories
Introductory Biology Lab I
Introductory Biology Lab II
Honors Introductory Biology Lab I
Honors Intro Biology Lab II
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
Concepts of General Chemistry I
Concepts of General Chemistry II
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Lab
Historical Geology
and Historical Geology Lab
Physical Geography I: Atmospheric Patterns and Processes
and Physical Geography Lab I
Physical Geography II: Landscape Patterns and Processes
and Physical Geography Lab II
Honors Physical Geography I: Atmospheric Patterns and Processes
College Physics I
and College Physics Laboratory Techniques I
College Physics II
and College Physics Laboratory Techniques II
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I w/Lab
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II w/Lab

EH 105 must be taken with EH 115 Writing Studio I (0).  EH 106 must be taken with EH 116 Writing Studio II (0).

Community Engagement Focus

Course Title Credits
Core Course (select one):3
Introduction to State and Local Government
Introduction to Sociology
Honors Introduction to Sociology
Elective Course (select one):3
Creative Thinking
Literature for Life I: Beginnings to 20th Century
Literature for Life II: 20th Century to Present
Beginner's French I
Beginner's French II
Intermediate French I
Intermediate French II
Beginner Portuguese I
Beginner Portuguese II
Beginner's Spanish I
Beginner's Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Elective Course (select one):3
Introduction to Archaeology
Biology of Disease
Human Geography
Total Hours9

Optional Microcredential Badge is available, see the overview for additional information.

Environmental Stewardship Focus

Course Title Credits
Core Course (select one):3
Introductory Biology II
Honors Introductory Biology II
Environmental Biology
Elective Course (select one):3
Introductory Biology I
Honors Introductory Biology I
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Concepts of General Chemistry I
Concepts of General Chemistry II
Elective Course (select one):3
Introduction to Archaeology
Creative Thinking
Literature for Life I: Beginnings to 20th Century
Literature for Life II: 20th Century to Present
Human Geography
Physical Geography I: Atmospheric Patterns and Processes
Physical Geography II: Landscape Patterns and Processes
Honors Physical Geography I: Atmospheric Patterns and Processes
Total Hours9

Optional Microcredential Badge is available, see the overview for additional information.

Ethical Leadership Focus

Course Title Credits
Core Course:
EH 141Speech3
Elective Course (select one):3
Introduction to Political Science
Principles of Psychology
Honors Principles of Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Honors Introduction to Sociology
Elective Course (select one):3
Art Appreciation
Honors Art Appreciation
Literature for Life I: Beginnings to 20th Century
Literature for Life II: 20th Century to Present
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
Honors Western Civilization I
Honors Western Civilization II
World History I
World History II
American History I
American History II
Honors American History I
Honors American History II
Survey of Latin America to 1810
Survey of Latin America since 1810
Total Hours9

Optional Microcredential Badge is available, see the overview for additional information.

Global Connections Focus

Course Title Credits
Core Course (select one):3
Beginner's French I
Beginner's French II
Intermediate French I
Intermediate French II
Beginner Portuguese I
Beginner Portuguese II
Beginner's Spanish I
Beginner's Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Elective Course (select one):3
World Regional Geography
Introduction to Anthropology
Introduction to Archaeology
World History I
World History II
Survey of Latin America to 1810
Survey of Latin America since 1810
Elective Course (select one):3
World Literature I: Beginnings to 1660
World Literature II: 1660 to Present
Introduction to Film
Introduction to Music
Honors Introduction to Music
Advanced Intro to Music (WI)
Art Appreciation
Honors Art Appreciation
Introduction to the Theatre
Honors Introduction to the Theatre
Total Hours9

Optional Microcredential Badge is available, see the overview for additional information.

Media Literacy Focus

Course Title Credits
Core Course (select one):3
English Composition II
Honors English Composition II
Enhanced English Composition II
Elective Course (select one):3
Survey of Art I
Survey of Art II (WI)
Art Appreciation
Honors Art Appreciation
Introduction to Film
Introduction to Music
Honors Introduction to Music
Advanced Intro to Music (WI)
Introduction to the Theatre
Honors Introduction to the Theatre
Elective Course (select one):3
Introduction to American Government
Honors Introduction to American Government
Basic Statistics
Honors Basic Statistics
Principles of Psychology
Honors Principles of Psychology
Total Hours9

Optional Microcredential Badge is available, see the overview for additional information.

MIX 295  Community Engagement Badge  (0)  

Prerequisite(s): PSC 102 or SY 221 or SY 222, and ART 130 or EH 205 or EH 206 or FH 101 or FH 102 or FH 201 or FH 202 or SH 101 or SH 102 or SH 201 or SH 202 or LAS 101 or LAS 102, and AN 224 or BY 122 or GY 220.

Students pursuing the Jax MIX badged microcredential in Community Engagement should enroll in this course to obtain the badge by submitting the work product and reflection that synthesizes coursework, events, and work product. These assignments will illustrate attainment of skills to identify community needs, implement initiatives, and assess the effectiveness of community interventions. Grades: Pass/No credit.
MIX 296  Environmental Stewardship Badge  (0)  

Prerequisite(s): BY 102 or BY 106 or BY 123, and BY 101 or BY 105 or CY 105 or CY 106 or CY 115 or CY 116, and AN 225 or ART 130 or EH 205 or EH 206 or GY 220 or GY 250 or GY 251 or GY 254.

Students pursuing the Jax MIX badged microcredential in Environmental Stewardship should enroll in this course to obtain the badge by submitting the work product and reflection that synthesizes coursework, events, and work product. These assignments will illustrate attainment of skills to discover the interconnections between natural systems and human activities and to propose solutions that balance ecological responsibility and social equity. Grades: Pass/No credit.
MIX 297  Ethical Leadership Badge  (0)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 141 and PSC 101 or PSY 201 or PSY 202 or SY 221 or SY 222 and ART 202 or ART 203 or EH 205 or EH 206 or HY 101 or HY 103 or HY 102 or HY 104 or HY 111 or HY 112 or HY 201 or HY 203 or HY 202 or HY 204 or HY 211 or HY 212.

Students pursuing the Jax MIX badged microcredential in Ethical Leadership should enroll in this course to obtain the badge by submitting the work product and reflection that synthesizes coursework, events, and work product. These assignments will illustrate attainment ethical awareness and leadership skills necessary for responsible decision-making and organizational success in contemporary society. Grades: Pass/No credit.
MIX 298  Global Connections Badge  (0)  

Prerequisite(s): FH 101 or FH 102 or FH 201 or FH 202 or SH 101 or SH 102 or SH 201 or SH 202 or LAS 101 or LAS 102 and AN 224 or AN 225 or GY 120 or HY 111 or HY 112 or HY 211 or HY 212 and EH 231 or EH 232 or FLM 230 or MU 233 or MU 236 or MU 237 or ART 202 or ART 203 or THR 242 or THR 252.

Students pursuing the Jax MIX badged microcredential in Global Connections should enroll in this course to obtain the badge by submitting the work product and reflection that synthesizes coursework, events, and work product. These assignments will illustrate attainment of skills to engage in various cultural perspectives, investigate the importance of diverse human identities and conditions, and synthesize multiple forms of analysis to understand the historical development of cultures worldwide. Grades: Pass/No credit.
MIX 299  Media Literacy Badge  (0)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102 or EH 104 or EH 106 and ART 111 or ART 112 or ART 202 or ART 203 or FLM 230 or MU 233 or MU 236 or MU 237 or THR 242 or THR 252 and PSC 100 or PSC 103 or MS 204 or MS 205 or PSY 201 or PSY 202.

Students pursuing the Jax MIX badged microcredential in Media Literacy should enroll in this course to obtain the badge by submitting the work product and reflection that synthesizes coursework, events, and work product. These assignments will illustrate attainment of skills to identify credible sources, recognize misinformation, and navigate responsible consumption of a variety of resources, references, and media. Grades: Pass/No credit.