Public Health (Bachelor of Public Health)

Students majoring in Public Health may attain this degree by completing:

Course Title Credits
Jax MIX General Education Curriculum41
Pre-Professional Courses 1
HPE 102Introduction to Public Health2
HPE 109Concepts of Wellness3
HPE 232Sports Safety and First Aid Training2
FCS 215Introductory Nutrition3
or FCS 322 Normal Nutrition
MS 204Basic Statistics3
or ST 260 Statistics/Quantitative Methods I
COM 205Introduction to Broadcast Writing3
NU 130Medical Terminology3
SSC 101First Year Experience0
Course Title Credits
Major Core
HPE 212Personal and Community Health3
HPE 262Health Behavior Theory, Research, & Practice (WI)3
HPE 312Health Problems and Disease Prevention3
HPE 315Community and Public Health3
HPE 316Current Issues and Trends in Public Health (WI)3
HPE 318Public Health for Special Populations3
HPE 402Epidemiology3
HPE 412Special Projects in Public Health Education3
HPE 420Health Aspects of Aging3
HPE 490Internship in Public Health6
SW 300Interpersonal Skills and Human Relations3
SY 221Introduction to Sociology3
SY 364Medicine and Society3
Advisor guided electives 218
Total Hours60

Program candidates must have an earned overall grade point average of 2.50 based upon a 4.00 scale for graduation. 

A minor is not required for students majoring in Public Health.

In addition to courses noted below, candidates for graduation must successfully complete all JSU Academic Regulations. More information about Jax MIX requirements and Alabama Transfers equivalents can be found in their respective section of the catalog.

Plan of Study Grid
Jax MIX Communication: EH Composition sequence 3
BY 101
BY 103
Introductory Biology I
and Introductory Biology Lab I (Jax MIX Inquiry)
Jax MIX Experience: History 3
PSY 201 Principles of Psychology (Jax MIX Experience) 3
HPE 102 Introduction to Public Health 1 2
SSC 101 First Year Experience 0
Jax MIX Communication: EH Composition sequence 3
MS 112 Precalculus Algebra (or higher, excluding MS 204 - Jax MIX Communication) 3
Jax MIX Experience 3
HPE 109 Concepts of Wellness 1 3
HPE 232 Sports Safety and First Aid Training 1 2
Jax MIX Expression: Fine Arts 3
EH 141 Speech (Jax MIX Communication) 3
CY 105
CY 107
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I (Jax MIX Inquiry)
FCS 215
Introductory Nutrition 1
or Normal Nutrition
HPE 212 Personal and Community Health 3
Jax MIX Expression: Literature 3
PSY 222 Human Development (Jax MIX Experience) 3
COM 205 Introduction to Broadcast Writing 1 3
MS 204
Basic Statistics 1
or Statistics/Quantitative Methods I
HPE 262 Health Behavior Theory, Research, & Practice (WI) 3
Jax MIX Expression 3
NU 130 Medical Terminology 1 3
HPE 312 Health Problems and Disease Prevention 3
SY 221 Introduction to Sociology 3
Advisor Guided Electives 2 3
HPE 315 Community and Public Health 3
HPE 316 Current Issues and Trends in Public Health (WI) 3
SW 300 Interpersonal Skills and Human Relations 3
Advisor Guided Electives 2 6
HPE 318 Public Health for Special Populations 3
HPE 402 Epidemiology 3
HPE 412 Special Projects in Public Health Education 3
SY 364 Medicine and Society 3
Advisor Guided Electives 2 3
HPE 420 Health Aspects of Aging 3
HPE 490 Internship in Public Health 6
Advisor Guided Electives 2 6
 Total Hours120