Department of English

Department Head: Dr. Andrea Porter

215 Stone Center

Mission Statement

Using innovative teaching approaches, the Department of English empowers students to write and communicate across numerous current and emerging fields, to think critically, and to solve problems creatively. At all levels of instruction—from first-year composition through graduate classes—the Department of English establishes a firm foundation for students to begin their exploration of the world and, for English majors, builds on that foundation with opportunities to enrich their cultural and intellectual lives through classes that emphasize deep analysis, careful research, and rigorous writing across several fields including the study of literature, creative writing, and professional writing. The Department of English both serves the needs of the University and strives to become a destination department for those students whose personal goals and intellectual curiosity align with the Department’s mission.

EH 101  English Composition I  (3)  
For prerequisite information, visit the First-Year Writing website ( Introduction to critical reading, thinking, and writing through student interaction with textual and digital materials. Focuses on developing strong composition skills by practicing a variety of rhetorical strategies and the drafting, revising, and editing processes. Grades for EH 101: A, B, C, NC.
EH 102  English Composition II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 101.

Reinforcement of the skills gained in EH 101. Focuses on academic writing, argumentation, research, and documentation. Provides the foundation for upper-level writing-intensive courses. Grades for EH 102: A, B, C, NC.
EH 103  Honors English Composition I  (3)  
For prerequisite information, please visit the First-Year Writing website ( Advanced instruction in critical reading, thinking, and writing through student interaction with textual and digital materials. Focuses on developing advanced composition skills by practicing a variety of rhetorical strategies and the drafting, revising, and editing processes. Grades for EH 103: A, B, C, or NC. (Fall only)
EH 104  Honors English Composition II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 103.

Reinforcement of the skills gained in EH 103. Focuses on advanced academic writing, argumentation, research, and documentation. Provides the foundation for upper-level writing-intensive courses. Grades for EH 104: A, B, C, NC. (Spring only)
EH 105  Enhanced English Composition I  (3)  

Corequisite(s): EH 115.

For prerequisite information, visit the First-Year Writing website ( An enhanced introduction to critical reading, thinking, and writing through student interaction with textual and digital materials. Focuses on developing strong composition skills by practicing a variety of rhetorical strategies and the drafting, revising, and editing processes. Grades for EH 105: A, B, C, NC.
EH 106  Enhanced English Composition II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 105.

Corequisite(s): EH 116.

Enhanced reinforcement of the skills gained in EH 105. Focuses on academic writing, argumentation, research, and documentation. Provides the foundation for upper-level writing-intensive courses. Students must pass EH 116 in order to make a C or above in EH 106. Grades for EH 106: A, B, C, NC.
EH 115  Writing Studio I  (0)  

Corequisite(s): EH 105.

An extension of the EH 105 classroom, EH 115 provides individualized support to students through writing studio sessions in the English Department Writing Center. Students must pass EH 115 in order to make a C or above in EH 105. Grades: Pass/No Credit.
EH 116  Writing Studio II  (0)  

Corequisite(s): EH 106.

An extension of the EH 106 classroom, EH 116 provides individualized support to students through writing studio sessions in the English Department Writing Center. Students must pass EH 116 in order to make a C or above in EH 106. Grades: Pass/No Credit.
EH 141  Speech  (3)  
Conversational English used in public, interpersonal, and professional communication. Consists of instruction in effective speeches, slide deck, and multimodal presentations, interviewing, virtual meetings and presentations, collaborations, and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, among other topics relevant to all academic and professional settings.
EH 195  Explore Seminar  (1)  
This course provides a forum for assigned readings and discussion of ideas in response to a current issue/event. The topic of the course will vary. May be repeated for a total of three credit hours.
EH 201  American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of American literature from its beginnings to 1865, including Colonial, Revolutionary and Early National, and Romantic literatures.
EH 202  American Literature II: 1865 to Present  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of American literature from 1865 to the present, including Realistic, Modern, and Postmodern literatures.
EH 203  British Literature I: Beginnings to 1800  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of British literature from its beginnings to 1800, including Old English, Middle English, Renaissance, and Neoclassical literatures.
EH 204  British Literature II: 1800 to Present  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of British literature from 1800 to the present, including Romantic, Victorian, Modern, and Postmodern literatures.
EH 205  Literature for Life I: Beginnings to 20th Century  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of literature that focuses on transformative texts addressing specific themes, ideas, or larger life questions central to the humanities, concentrating on writing through the 20th Century.
EH 206  Literature for Life II: 20th Century to Present  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of literature that focuses on transformative texts addressing specific themes, ideas, or larger life questions central to the humanities, concentrating on writing from the 20th Century to the present.
EH 219  Honors Literature I  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106, and approval of instructor.

A study of works of literature against the background of philosophy, history, and the arts.
EH 220  Honors Literature II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106, and approval of instructor.

A study of works of literature against the background of philosophy, history, and the arts.
EH 231  World Literature I: Beginnings to 1660  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of literature from the ancient period to 1660, representing diverse cultural, historical, and philosophical traditions from around the world.
EH 232  World Literature II: 1660 to Present  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of literature from 1660 to the present, representing diverse cultural, historical, and philosophical traditions from around the world.
EH 250  Introduction to English Studies (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to critical writing about literary texts; literary history, theory, and research; and the professional field of English Studies. Required of all English majors; recommended prior to taking 300- or 400-level English courses. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 251  Introduction to Creative Writing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 101, EH 103, or EH 105.

Introduction to the craft of imaginative writing, the landscape of contemporary literature, and the writer as artist. Students will engage with contemporary arts culture. Introductory course for the Creative writing minor genre-specific workshop courses.
EH 252  Introduction to Game Studies  (3)  
An introduction to the study of games, including how to design, analyze, and write for games.
EH 253  Introduction to Digital Humanities  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to digital humanities, an interdisciplinary field that merges digital research, data, methods, and projects with humanities disciplines, from history to literature to writing.
EH 299  Study Abroad  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of academic advisor and pre-approval by department head prior to registration.

Individual study abroad through a JSU-sponsored program as administered by International Programs; pre-approval within specific disciplines required. May be repeated for credit for a total of 15 semester hours. Grades: Pass/Fail.
EH 300  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of Department Head.

(1-3). Special project in English Studies. Students may register for 1-3 credit hours per semester with approval from the Department Head, not to exceed two semesters of independent study.
EH 303  Survey of African American Literature I  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of African American writers from Colonial times through the Harlem Renaissance.
EH 304  Survey of African American Literature II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of African American writers from the 1940s to the present.
EH 305  Native American Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of selected literature by Native Americans, including traditional oral genres (myths, folktales) and written genres (autobiography, fiction, poetry).
EH 307  English Grammar  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An exploration of all aspects of English grammar, including sentence structure, usage, and mechanics.
EH 308  Introduction to Linguistics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An overview of the fundamental concepts and methods of linguistic science (phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax).
EH 309  Film Noir, Classics, and Melodrama  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An exploration of three of the most important forms of visual culture in contemporary America. The course will concentrate on the social and cultural work performed by the films, and the focus will shift from one semester to the next from film noir to classics to melodrama. May be taken only once.
EH 311  Romantic Poetry  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

English poetry of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, featuring works of Blake, Dorothy and William Wordsworth, Byron, Mary and Percy Shelley, and Keats.
EH 312  Business English for International Purposes  (3)  
This course is designed to teach the basics of business communication with an emphasis on American business English, business document formats, American idiomatic usages, and multicultural audiences, including ESL audiences.
EH 313  Twentieth-Century Poetry  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of major British and American poets of the 1900s.
EH 321  Advanced Grammar and Linguistics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A linguistic approach to the study of prescriptive and descriptive grammar.
EH 322  Technical Writing (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Writing skills, practices, and genres for communicating complex information in business, scientific, government, medical, and technical fields so that diverse audiences can understand. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 323  Writing for the Workplace (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Writing skills, practices, and genres for the workplace, such as resumes, job applications, memos, emails, and reports, that support business processes and communication for diverse audiences. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 325  Major Authors  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of major works by a featured author(s), including works by major authors of a particular era, literary movement, region, nationality, and/or genre. May be duplicated for credit for a total of six (6) semester hours, as long as each course taken is on a different topic.
EH 326  Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of texts from the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres from their origins to modern day.
EH 327  Film Adaptation  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to the ways in which texts (short stories, novels, poems, plays, graphic novels, etc.) are adapted to film.
EH 330  Writing for the Web (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to writing style, rhetorical strategy, research methods, and best practices for writing website content while learning the basics of user experience (UX), search engine optimization, and content management systems as they relate to writing. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 331  Writing for Social Media (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Writing style, research methods, rhetorical strategy, and best practices for social media content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 332  Writing for Podcasts (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Study and practice of rhetorical strategies, writing styles, genres, research methods, ethical considerations, and best practices for writing podcast content. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 333  Writing about Gaming (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to analytic writing about games through both a media and game studies lens. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 334  Special Topics in Game Studies  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A course focused on diverse topics in the field of game studies. May be duplicated for credit for a total of six (6) semester hours, as long as the course taken is on a different topic.
EH 344  Advanced Composition (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Improving the skills and the knowledge of personal, academic, and public writing, especially focusing on rhetorical analysis and critique. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 346  Advanced Oral Communication  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 141 and approval of advisor.

Study and practice of techniques of public speech-making, argumentation and debate.
EH 347  Theory of Speech  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 141 and approval of advisor.

Study and practice in developing oral communication skills and auditory discrimination ability.
EH 349  The Literature of Young Adults  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of the literature of young adults with particular attention to recent examples. Emphasis will be on the literary qualities of the reading.
EH 351  Creative Writing: Fiction  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 251 or approval of instructor.

A course focused on analyzing published fiction, reading and commenting on the writing of classroom peers, and producing original fiction for discussion in a workshop format.
EH 352  Creative Writing: Poetry  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 251 or approval of the instructor.

A course focused on analyzing published poetry, reading and commenting on the writing of classroom peers, and producing original poems for discussion in a workshop format.
EH 353  Creative Writing: Nonfiction  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 251 or approval of the instructor.

A course focused on analyzing published nonfiction, reading and commenting on the writing of classroom peers, and producing original nonfiction for discussion in a workshop format.
EH 354  Creative Writing: Special Topics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 251 or approval of the instructor.

A course focused on analyzing published work on a special topic or in a special genre, reading and commenting on the writing of classroom peers, and producing original work for discussion in a workshop format. May be duplicated for credit for a total of six (6) semester hours, as long as the course taken is on a different topic.
EH 355  Publishing Practicum  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 251 or approval of the instructor.

A course focused on the field of literary publishing through work on a literary journal and other smaller publications; topics include manuscript selection, layout, design, aesthetic considerations, and marketing strategies, among others relevant to a career in publishing.
EH 370  The American Novel  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

From its beginning to the present: Cooper, Hawthorne, Melville, and Twain through such moderns as Faulkner, Hemingway, Wolfe, Ellison, Bellow, and Morrison.
EH 371  Contemporary Fiction  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

The reading and analysis of recent novels and/or short stories selected by the instructor.
EH 372  The Graphic Novel  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Dedicated to selected writers, themes, genres, countries (manga, manhua, bande dessinee, etc.) or a survey of the medium as a whole. May be duplicated for credit for a total of 6 semester hours as long as each course taken is on a different special topic.
EH 373  Twentieth-Century Drama  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

The social, moral, and psychological interests of modern and contemporary American, English, and European dramatists.
EH 374  Environmental Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An exploration of fiction and nature writing that examines the relationship between humans and nature.
EH 375  Southern Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Selected works of poetry and prose by such major Southern writers as Eudora Welty, Alice Walker, William Faulkner, and Flannery O'Connor.
EH 379  The Bible as Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Introduction to the literary ideas, forms, and techniques found in English translations of the Bible.
EH 399  Study Tour  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Topics, excursions and requirements determined by department. Infrequently scheduled and subject to minimum and maximum numbers. Advance deposit required. This course may be duplicated for a total of 6 semester credits; however, only 3 semester credits may be used toward the major or minor.
EH 401  Chaucer  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

The poet against the background of the Middle Ages.
EH 402  Special Studies in the English Renaissance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Dedicated to selected writers, themes or genres. May be duplicated for credit for a total of nine (9) semester hours, as long as each course taken is on a different special topic.
EH 405  Shakespeare's England  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Program of study in Stratford-upon-Avon with visits to places associated with Shakespeare. Readings by Shakespeare and in social history of the period. Offered infrequently.
EH 406  Shakespeare  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of selected histories, comedies, and tragedies.
EH 408  Theory of Composition  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to the history and theory of rhetoric and composition and how they inform the teaching of composition. This course is eligible for Faster Master's.
EH 409  The Art of the Film (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106. Intensive Course)

Film as an artistic medium will be considered with close analysis of movies from the silent era through art-house works of the Post-WWII period and forward to the 21st century. The course will focus on international as well as American cinematic works that define and explore film narrative as an art in addition to being a commercial enterprise. This course is eligible for Faster Master's. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 410  American Drama  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An examination of American drama both as theatre and literature, considering early plays in their historical contexts, with emphasis on major American dramatists beginning with Eugene O'Neill and progressing through Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, Beth Henley, August Wilson, and others.
EH 411  Eighteenth-Century Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A survey of eighteenth-century English writers, focusing on major satirists, such as Dryden, Pope, Swift, and Fielding; also including Johnson and his circle, some of the major novelists and dramatists; and ending with a survey of the "Pre-Romantics" (the "poets of sensibility").
EH 412  Victorian Poetry  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, Arnold, Swinburne, and other poets of the Victorian Era.
EH 413  English Drama  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Medieval background of Elizabethan drama and the reading of representative plays of the Tudor and Stuart periods.
EH 415  Advanced Argumentation (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Improving the skills and knowledge of argumentation in academic and public writing. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 417  Writing the Vietnam War  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of texts by and about American and Vietnamese soldiers, both during and after the Vietnam War, focusing on how the war is portrayed in writing, film, and music, including various cultural, political, and historical events/topics as they relate to these texts.
EH 419  Milton  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Poetry and prose of John Milton, with special attention to Paradise Lost.
EH 420  Women's Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Six centuries of representative literature by women. Emphasis on recent British and American, including ethnic-American, authors. Discussion of women writers in relation to the traditional canon. This course is eligible for Faster Master's.
EH 423  Alabama Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to Alabama writers from the frontier period to the present; fiction and nonfiction; short story, novel, poetry, essay.
EH 424  Special Topics in Film Studies  (3)  
Prerequisites for Undergraduate: EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106. Prerequisites for Graduate: Graduate-level coursework in progress. Analyzes the works of a particular director, genre, period, etc. with an emphasis on film as text. May be duplicated for credit for a total of nine (9) semester hours, as long as each course taken is on a different special topic. This course is eligible for Faster Master's.
EH 427  Special Topics in Adaptation Studies  (3)  
Prerequisites for Undergraduate: EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106. Prerequisites for Graduate: Admission to Graduate Studies. An exploration of texts and their adaptations centered upon a specific topic, genre, theory, series, author, director, etc., often but not exclusively emphasizing film adaptations. May be duplicated for credit for a total of nine (9) semester hours, as long as each course taken is on a different special topic.
EH 428  LGBTQ+ Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An examination of LGTBQ+ literature through the ages and from across cultures in light of current queer, feminist, and gender studies theory.
EH 429  Special Topics in English Studies  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An exploration of a variable specialized topic or area of English Studies. May be duplicated for credit for a total of nine (9) semester hours, as long as each course taken is on a different special topic.
EH 431  Non-Western Literature  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

An introduction to literature of the non-Western world from ancient times to the twenty-first century. This course will examine different genres of literature originating in the following regions or cultures: Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South and Central America, as well as other cultures whose heritage is not primarily based on the Western tradition.
EH 432  Writing for Nonprofits (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Writing style, research methods, rhetorical strategy, and best practices when writing for nonprofit organizations, including donor relations, public advocacy, policymaking, messaging, and branding. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 433  Writing for Social Change (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Explores and engages students in public writing as an agent of social change, including study of writing style, rhetorical strategy, research methods, audience analysis, messaging, and storytelling, among other topics. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 434  Professional Writing: Special Topics (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Writing style, rhetorical strategy, research methods, and best practices associated with a special topic, genre, field, etc., in the realm of professional writing. May be duplicated for credit for a total of six (6) semester hours, as long as the course taken is on a different topic. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 435  Creative Collective (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of at least 3 hours of professional writing coursework and departmental approval.

Professional writing project-based learning for campus and community partners. The English Department’s in-house student creative team who collaborate to produce documents and print and digital media through research, writing, design, editing, and project management. May be duplicated for credit for a total of six (6) semester hours. (Writing Intensive Course)
EH 441  The History of the English Language  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Study of the origins and development of the English language from Old English through Modern English, focusing on the historical, cultural, and linguistic forces affecting language change.
EH 442  Contemporary African American Writers  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A study of major twentieth- and twenty-first-century African American writers. This course is eligible for Faster Master's.
EH 452  Literary Criticism  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

Prominent themes and theories, various critical approaches, and outstanding examples of literary criticism from Plato to feminism and African-American literary theory. This course is eligible for Faster Master's.
EH 453  The English Novel  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

A history of the British novel, with readings of, and reports on, novelists of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries.
EH 467  Twentieth-Century English Fiction  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106.

British fiction of the twentieth century, including short stories and novels by modern and postmodern authors.
EH 482  Grantwriting  (3)  
Practical course instructing the steps involved in the grantwriting process. The course includes strategic planning, research, finding appropriate grant sources and writing the grant. EH 482 is cross listed with PSC 482, and only one may be taken for credit.
EH 484  Current New York Theatre  (3)  
Prerequisite for Undergraduate: EH 102, EH 104, or EH 106. Prerequisite for Graduate: None. A study of the New York theatre available at the time the course is offered. In addition to attending four current Broadway productions, students visit Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and major art museums, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and others. Offered infrequently.
EH 490  Writing Center Practicum  (0)  
Required of all Writing Center Consultants each semester they work in the Writing Center. An ongoing workshop to train Writing Center Consultants and address pedagogical issues and best practices for the Writing Center. An Orientation workshop at the beginning of the semester is also mandatory. Course may be repeated for a total of 12 times. Grades: Pass/No Credit.
EH 491  Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 6 hours of 300+ English classes and permission of the Department Chair and sponsoring faculty member.

Provides direct experience and application of principles, concepts and theories acquired in coursework with an emphasis on writing in a professional organization while giving students the opportunity to gain work/career experience in service/learning or business/corporate settings. For English majors and minors. Grade: Pass/Fail.
EH 499  Capstone Seminar (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and permission of the English advisor.

A seminar in which English majors use the knowledge and skills developed in previous English coursework to create, complete, and publish/present a project approved by a faculty mentor. Required of all English majors. EH 499 is ideally taken in the final undergraduate semester. Students must pass with a C or better. (Writing Intensive Course)