College of Business and Industry

Dean: Dr. Brent Cunningham

Associate Dean:  Dr. Mark Hearn

Merrill Hall

The College of Business and Industry is comprised of four departments: The Department of Applied Engineering; The Department of Finance, Economics, and Accounting; The Lyons and Co., Inc. Department of Management and Marketing; and The Department of Communication.  

Academic units in the College of Business and Industry are accredited by the following agencies: 

Applied Engineering - ATMAE 

Business – AACSB International 

Communication – ACEJMC International 

Programs of Study

The Department of Applied Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science degree with the following majors:

  • Applied Manufacturing Engineering (Automation and Robotics or Manufacturing Management)
  • Industrial Leadership
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management

The department also offers a variety of minors to benefit students majoring in other fields. Minors in:

  • Design and Automation
  • Manufacturing Management
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management

The two-year Pre-Engineering program offers a curriculum that will permit the majority of students to transfer with junior standing to most undergraduate engineering programs at other colleges and universities.

The Department of Finance, Economics, and Accounting, as well as the Lyons and Co., Inc. Department of Management and Marketing, offer the 120-hour Bachelor of Science degree with majors in the following areas of study:

  • Accounting
  • Business Economics
  • Finance
  • Management (concentrations are available in Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, and Management Information Systems)
  • Marketing

Also, a 120-hour Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Economics is available. 

The departments offer minors in:

  • Accounting
  • Business Economics
  • Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Information Management/E-Commerce
  • Management
  • Marketing

The Department of Communication offers a Bachelor of Arts degree, as well as a minor in Communication, Journalism, and Strategic Communication. Students have the ability to study in the areas of: 

  • Digital Journalism 
  • Digital Media Production
  • Public Relations/Advertising

Advising Policy

Students enrolling in Applied Engineering are advised in the departmental office for that major.

All College of Business and Industry students are advised in the Dr. Louise J. Clark Advising Center, located in Suite 170, Merrill Hall. Advisor assignments are made by the Senior Lead Advisor. All students must meet with their assigned Academic Advisor each term for advisement prior to registering for courses.