Department of Management and Marketing

Department Head: Dr. Celestino Valentin

Merrill Hall

Accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide our learners with a career-focused education emphasizing responsible judgement, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial skills, and service to their communities.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to serve the Southeast by being an integral, cooperative partner of the business community by assessing needs and providing the human and intellectual resources for the future.

The Department of Management and Marketing carries out its mission through its commitment to the following four core values:


We seek to provide our students with a learning-centered environment through which they become literate, articulate, and broadly educated individuals, who are knowledgeable in fundamental economic principles, the business disciplines, and the impact of global forces on domestic affairs. The curricula prepare baccalaureate and MBA graduates to be literate with information technology, ethically and globally aware, as well as analytical decision-makers who possess fully developed oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Graduates should be able to adapt to rapidly changing technologies and to adapt to a diverse work-place environment. The faculty seek to be recognized as excellent teachers and scholars, dedicated first and foremost to the development of students, through quality teaching, advising, and mentoring.

Intellectual Contributions

The College of Business and Industry values basic research, applied research, and instructional development activities of the faculty, with primary focus on applied scholarship (contribution to practice) and instructional development (learning and pedagogical research). The faculty believe that teaching and scholarly activity are interdependent and that research enhances faculty effectiveness in the classroom and provides students with state-of-the-art business knowledge.

External Interaction

The College of Business and Industry seeks to take a leadership role in the economic development of the State of Alabama, specifically its Northeast region. The College promotes excellence in service activities consistent with academic and professional strengths of faculty and staff. Faculty and staff are expected to be a resource for the economic development of the State and region by extending their knowledge, skills, and values to society. Interaction with external constituents is fostered through a variety of efforts to include the Center for Economic Development, the Center for Economic Education, the Environmental Policy and Information Center, guest speakers, executives-in-residence, and advising groups.

Continuous Improvement

The College strives to provide quality undergraduate and graduate management education through traditional, as well as distance, delivery. The faculty, staff, and administration of the College of Business and Industry are committed to continuously improving the quality of our academic programs, our student support activities, and our service to the local and regional community.

Upper Division Assessment Policy for Business Majors

In addition to meeting the general admission requirements of the University, students wishing to pursue a business degree from the College of Business and Industry must adhere to the following:

  1. All Bachelor of Science business students enrolling in the college will list their major as “Undecided-MGMT” until the completion of all lower division (freshman and sophomore) courses. Upon completion of these 60 hours with a GPA of 2.00 or higher, students will be reclassified to one of the five business degree majors (accounting, business economics, finance, management, or marketing).
  2. While taking lower division courses, all students should schedule English composition and math courses each semester until such course requirements are completed.
  3. Students who complete the 60 hours of lower division courses without attaining a 2.00 GPA will be required to repeat courses in order to bring the GPA up to the required 2.00. For the purposes of calculating the lower division GPA, only the highest grade for repeated courses will be included. Students not meeting the conditions to be reclassified will have one semester to bring the GPA up to the required 2.00. During this one semester, students will be allowed to continue in only nine (9) hours of CBI core courses selected from the following upper division courses: FIN 301 Business Finance (3)EC 303 Money and Banking (3)EC 321 Intermediate Microeconomics (3), or EC 322 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3)MKT 301 Principles of Marketing (3)MGT 301 Principles of Management (3)CBA 350 Business Communications (WI) (3)ST 345 Data Analytics for Business (3), and MGT 375 Introduction to Management Information Systems (3) (all prerequisites must be adhered to). Students who attempt to enroll in classes without appropriate prerequisites will be dropped from these classes.
  4. Students who begin their program at JSU will follow the program of study outlined in the JSU catalog that is current at the time they initially enroll. However, if at some later date a student wishes to change to a more recent catalog, this is permissible. Students electing to change to a more recent catalog will need to satisfy all requirements of the selected catalog. See appropriate section of the university catalog for Catalog Requirements and Time Limits.
  5. Students transferring from any two-year college or other four-year institution must abide by all rules and regulations as specified in the appropriate JSU catalog relative to their admission, both into the university as well as into the College of Business and Industry. Transfer students also have the right to move to a more current catalog, if desired.
  6. Students planning to transfer from other junior or senior level colleges should consult with the Senior Lead Advisor in the Dr. Louise J. Clark Advising Center for information relative to degree requirements.

Course Transfer Policy for Business Majors

Business students transferring to JSU from other accredited institutions must satisfy specified course and GPA requirements prior to eligibility for upper division courses. Also, business students may transfer into JSU from another institution no more than 50 percent of the business credit hours required for the business degree (CBI core plus major requirements). Transfer credits for 300/400 level business courses will be accepted only from AACSB-International accredited schools. This applies only to courses that are approved for transfer once a student has enrolled as a business student at Jacksonville State University and not to credits that have been completed at another institution prior to enrolling in JSU’s business program. See appropriate section of the university catalog for Transfer Student Admissions.

Business Core Requirements

The following courses are included in the core:

Course Title Credits
CBA 115Business Fundamentals/Orientation3
CBA 330Business Professionalism3
CBA 350Business Communications (WI)3
CBA 390Operations and Supply Chain Management3
CBA 469Business Policy and Strategy3
ACC 200Principles of Accounting I3
ACC 210Principles of Accounting II3
CS 201Introduction to Information Technology3
ST 260Statistics/Quantitative Methods I3
ST 261Statistics/Quantitative Methods II3
ST 345Data Analytics for Business3
FIN 292Legal and Social Environment3
FIN 301Business Finance3
EC 221Principles of Microeconomics3
EC 222Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 303Money and Banking3
or EC 321 Intermediate Microeconomics
or EC 322 Intermediate Macroeconomics
MKT 301Principles of Marketing3
MGT 301Principles of Management3
MGT 375Introduction to Management Information Systems3

A student must earn a minimum “C” average (2.00 GPA) in business core subjects and business core subjects taken in residence.

Grade Requirements for Major and Minor Courses

The student must earn a grade of at least a “C” in all major and minor courses required for degree completion.

Business Graduation Requirements

In addition to successfully completing all course requirements for the major, students graduating with a degree from the Department of Finance, Economics, and Accounting or the Department of Management and Marketing must meet all requirements listed below for graduation:

  1. Attain an overall GPA of 2.00 or higher on all courses attempted.
  2. Attain a GPA of 2.00 or higher on all courses attempted at JSU.
  3. Attain a GPA of 2.00 or higher on all business core courses (See Core Requirements above).
  4. Attain a GPA of 2.00 or higher on all CBI core courses at JSU.
  5. Apply to graduate the semester before graduation.  Business students should consult with their Academic Advisor for instructions.
  6. Complete the Major Field Assessment Business Test. This is an assessment tool that is used to measure students’ understanding of the basic business subject areas to include: accounting, economics, management, quantitative business analysis, finance, marketing, legal and social environment, and international studies.

Students are encouraged to incorporate internships and practical field experiences in their degree plans. These field experiences may or may not be credit bearing, but are considered integral to the learning process. Students should consult their academic advisors for prior approval and guidance.

Eligibility of Business Majors to Upper Division Business Courses

In order to enroll in upper division (300 and 400 level) business courses, business students must have completed at least 50 semester hours to include:

Course Title Credits
ACC 200Principles of Accounting I3
ACC 210Principles of Accounting II 1 3
EC 221Principles of Microeconomics 1 3
EC 222Principles of Macroeconomics 1 3
MS 112Precalculus Algebra3
ST 260Statistics/Quantitative Methods I3
ST 261Statistics/Quantitative Methods II 1 3
Total Hours21

Students who are enrolled in ACC 210 Principles of Accounting II (3), EC 222 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) {having completed EC 221 Principles of Microeconomics (3)}, and/or ST 261 Statistics/Quantitative Methods II (3) may request special permission to enroll simultaneously in upper division business core courses. This permission, if granted, will be allowed only once per student; failure to successfully complete prerequisite courses will result in the student not being allowed to enroll in additional core courses until such prerequisite course(s) have been successfully completed.

In order to enroll in major courses, students must have completed all requirements for the upper division eligibility and be reclassified from “Undecided-MGMT.”

Eligibility of Non-Business Majors to Upper Division Business Courses

Non-business majors having completed at least 50 semester hours may be eligible for upper division courses if they have met all prerequisites for each course. Others may be admitted only with the written permission of the appropriate department head.

Note: FIN 311 Personal Financial Planning (3)FIN 341 Principles of Real Estate (3)FIN 343 Real Estate Appraisal (3), and FIN 344 Legal Aspects of Real Estate (3) are exceptions to the requirements stated above; these courses are open to all students. FIN 343 Real Estate Appraisal (3) and FIN 344 Legal Aspects of Real Estate (3) require FIN 341 Principles of Real Estate (3) as a prerequisite.


Students earning a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting, business economics, finance, management, or marketing are not required to have a minor. Those wishing to add a minor will be required to complete more than the 120 hours required for the BS degree to accommodate the additional hours required for the minor. At least six (6) credits toward completion of a minor must be taken at JSU. All course prerequisites stated in the course descriptions in this catalog must be met.

General Business

CBA 100  CBA Orientation  (1)  
Orientation to the CCBA. Topics include: Personal and social skills, academic/study skills, College career planning, advising, program requirements, and use of library.
CBA 115  Business Fundamentals/Orientation  (3)  
Course provides a general overview of the various functional business operations with an emphasis on the role of the enterprise within modern society. (Not open to CCBA Juniors and Seniors)
CBA 210  Information Technology for Business  (3)  
Introductory level, business-oriented, information technology course to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills used in business organizations, including hands-on experience with productivity applications, database management, and programming.
CBA 300  American Business Enterprise  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EC 221 and EC 222.

This course examines the evolution of business activity in America, including large industrial enterprises, monopolies, financial institutions, and finally, the rise of the internet and service economies. Scheduled on demand.
CBA 330  Business Professionalism  (3)  
This course provides business majors with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful future once they graduate with a business major.
CBA 340  The Business and Law of Cannabis  (3)  
This course prepares students to enter the landscape of the emerging Cannabis business. The course includes an overview of foundational business topics including management and law, as well as cannabis-specific instruction, including an up-to-date overview of legal, regulatory, business operational considerations and economic impacts.
CBA 350  Business Communications (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 101, EH 102, ACC 200, 210, EC 221, 222, MS 112, ST 260, and Junior Standing.

Corequisite(s): EH 141.

Prerequisites or Principles, procedures, and skills underlying oral and written communications in the field of business. (Writing Intensive Course)
CBA 390  Operations and Supply Chain Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and ST 261.

Students are introduced to the basic theories and practices of production and operations management as essential in the management of a business enterprise. Principles, concepts, and management-related issues and how operations management influences the performances of manufacturing and global operations strategy, project management, forecasting, new product development, quality management, process strategies, linear programming, etc. are included. Model formulations and applications are emphasized in solving business decision problems.
CBA 396  International Business  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ACC 200, 210, EC 221, 222, MS 112, ST 260, ST 260L. Junior Standing.

Study of the nature and scope of international business, including the basic problems associated with international trade, payments, investment, and cultural differences.
CBA 399  Study Abroad  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and department head.

Students will travel to a foreign country to participate in an academic program provided by a university located in that country. Students will also study business practices common to the particular country being visited. Cultural similarities and differences will also be a focus of the trip.
CBA 469  Business Policy and Strategy  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all 200-300 level CCBA Core courses - ACC 200, ACC 210, CBA 350 or EH 322, CBA 390, CS 201, EC 221, EC 222, EC 303 or EC 321 or EC 322, FIN 292, FIN 301, IME 375, MGT 301, MKT 301, and ST 345.

Senior status. Focuses on the formulation and implementation of business strategy and establishment and maintenance of an efficient organization.
CBA 487  Seminar in Entrepreneurial Service Learning  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior status and consent of instructor.

Supervised practical application of the principles of entrepreneurship and free enterprise. Students will create, organize, and execute projects in the local and regional communities. In addition, students will enhance their team building and communication skills. The course offers opportunities for networking with community and business leaders. This course is open to all majors and provides an excellent opportunity for students to engage in and benefit from service-learning.
CBA 488  Small Business Experience  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all 200-300 level CCBA Core courses - ACC 200, 210, CBA 350 or EH 322, CBA 390, 396, CS 201, EC 221, 222, 303 or 321 or 322, FIN 292, 301, IME 375, MGT 301, 305, MKT 301 and Senior status.

An integrating management course that focuses on the special problems and skills related to starting, maintaining and expanding small business in a dynamic environment.


MGT 301  Principles of Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

A basic course in general management principles and theories.
MGT 305  Organizational Behavior  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

The application of organizational behavior theories in developing managerial competencies in the area of leadership, motivation, team building, group dynamics, interpersonal and group conflict. Students in the Faster Master's program may take MGT 537 in lieu of this course.
MGT 330  Entrepreneurship  (3)  
Comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. A practical guide to starting a small business.
MGT 335  Business Programming  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): CS 201.

Introduction to programming with business examples including the concepts and structures of an event-driven programming language to implement business solutions. This course emphasizes the understanding of general problem-solving strategies and developing solutions through algorithm.
MGT 340  Venture Creation & Innovation  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 330.

This course challenges students to identify an opportunity and/or disrupt an industry through innovation. Students may work individually or in teams to design a startup company. Students are engaged in experiential exercises throughout the semester.
MGT 372  The Dynamics of Organizations  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

An analysis of the managerial process and dynamics of organization, with the organization viewed as a system interacting with a changing environment.
MGT 375  Introduction to Management Information Systems  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

Survey course in e-commerce and the digital enterprise. The course emphasizes using the web to learn about the web and the elements of e-business. Students work in team environments with groupware and collaboration software. Topics include digital design, web business models, web metrics, intelligent agents, dynamic pricing, security and privacy, governance models, and web ethics. In addition, this course focuses on a rich variety of IS models and strategies for connecting individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations to each other.
MGT 378  E-Commerce Marketing and Metrics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

An in-depth study of web business models, this course surveys major e-commerce markets and marketing strategies, including web pricing strategies. The course also focuses on web matrics and performance management criterion and how e-businesses utilize them. Focus group and survey research applications in the digital world are covered. Students will learn the effects electronic markets have on local, national, and global economics.
MGT 380  Project Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

This course focuses on three vital elements of project management: people, process, and technology. Students learn project management concepts, objectives, and tools, and how to utilize coaching strategies to manage complex e-business and e-commerce projects. Topics include the PM process, project planning, project execution, and project evaluation.
MGT 385  Human Resource Management (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

Basic principles, philosophies, and applications of personnel administration. (Writing Intensive Course)
MGT 387  Supervision  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

Study of the functions, techniques, and skills required to supervise in manufacturing and service businesses and non-profit organizations.
MGT 391  Employment Law  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and MGT 385.

Extensive use of cases, practical application of theory and research into the legal requirements of Employment Law.
MGT 410  Advanced Operations Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and CBA 390.

Students are exposed to the latest techniques and models in operations management through an in-depth exposure to the strategic importance of operations, planning and controlling use of resources, ensuring quality of products and services. The course content focuses on applications of linear programming, supply chain innovation, virtual operations with simulation, agile/lean operations, and supply chain analytics. Mini-projects and case studies will help students gain valuable insights for complex real-life problems.
MGT 420  Teams and Quality Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MGT 301 and 305.

Focuses on the development and use of teams to improve quality, productivity, and organizational processes. Examines concepts, philosophies, and tools used in managing for quality.
MGT 422  Seminar in Human Resource Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

A comprehensive course covering human resource management strategies, functions, and activities in modern organizations. Particular emphasis is placed on current -issues facing human resource managers in organizations.
MGT 450  E-Commerce Information Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Developing skills in utilizing e-commerce information to assist managerial decisions. Managing and integrating web page information.
MGT 468  Compensation Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

An applied study of the development of compensation packages including a review of major theories and techniques regarding internal consistency, external competitiveness, individual contribution, administrative procedures, and benefit.
MGT 475  Current Issues in e-Commerce  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Distinguished executive guest lecturers and the e-business faculty discuss topical issues related to business transformation and the cyber economy.
MGT 487  Business Analytics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Introduction to analytics from an organizational IT perspective including knowledge management, business intelligence to make business decisions, data visualization, and basic predictive modeling. Students learn fundamental concepts and tools for data collection and analysis, and how to develop data-driven business decisions.
MGT 489  Management Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and consent of the instructor.

Provides the management major with practical experience in the management field via an internship arrangement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
MGT 490  Collective Bargaining  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

A comprehensive study of employer and employee relations. Emphasis is placed on legislation, policies, and practices regarding negotiation and bargaining within the employer-union-employee relationship. Attention is also focused on the problem of handling and settling industrial controversy.
MGT 491  Management Seminar  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing.

A topical seminar which includes selected readings in current management literature combined with classroom lectures and discussions. Includes supervised and independent student research.
MGT 495  Business Decision Simulation  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

GPSS computer simulation software is used to construct business decision-making models. Problem analysis, report writing, and software use are emphasized.
MGT 496  International Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status.

Comparative study in managing the international, multinational and national business organization.
MGT 499  Senior Management Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status.

Approval of instructor. Independent research on a management topic jointly selected by student and instructor.


MKT 301  Principles of Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

An introduction to marketing strategy. Focuses on the application of product, promotion, price and distribution elements in satisfying the wants and needs of target markets.
MKT 325  Digital Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

This course provides students the theoretical understanding of the internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also introducing them to the real-world internet marketing problems through cases. This course will consist of lectures which introduce concepts/theories in digital marketing and case analyses which apply those concepts/theories to real-world, online marketing problems.
MKT 361  Sales/Sales Force Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

A study of the personal selling process. The course focuses on communications, motivation, planning, and practical application of sales techniques.
MKT 370  Transportation and Logistics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

Provides a broad and general exposure to transportation issues including modes of transportation, their relationships, and special uses. Business logistics including, but not limited to coverage of inventory, warehousing, materials and handling, packaging, and order procession and how transportation and logistics are interrelated are also covered.
MKT 371  Customer Relationship Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

CRM aids students in understanding how businesses successfully implement strategies, practices, and technologies designed to win and retain customers profitably. The main objective of this course is to equip students with a sound foundation of CRM concepts, best practices, and analytics utilizing state-of-the-art technologies (i.e., Salesforce) for the successful implementation of CRM practices.
MKT 378  Consumer Behavior  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

A study of fundamental activities, habits, and motives which affect consumer interest, trial, evaluation, usage, and disposal of products. Includes ethical marketing considerations. This course can be counted as a major or minor elective in the areas of finance and management.
MKT 394  Retailing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

This course is a study of the distribution management process of retailing. Topics include retail strategy; environment, location and store design; merchandise planning and control; pricing, sales promotion, and display; and customer service. This course also examines store, catalog, and online retail marketing strategies from a managerial perspective.
MKT 395  Business-To-Business Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

An analysis of marketing strategy as it applies to firms that engage in the production of finished products or services, including an examination of the buying behavior of profit and non-profit-making enterprises, as well as governmental agencies and the impact of e-commerce on these enterprises and processes. May not be taken for credit if student has completed MKT 363 - Industrial Marketing.
MKT 488  Advertising and Promotions  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

Investigation of methods used to communicate with markets, including advertising, sales promotion, re-seller support, publicity, public relations, and corporate advertising. Includes cases combining these topics with a managerial orientation (formerly MKT 377 and more recently MKT 388).
MKT 489  Marketing Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior status and consent of instructor.

Provides the marketing major with practical experience in the marketing field via an internship arrangement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
MKT 492  Senior Marketing Seminar  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Investigation and analysis of current literature and problems in the field of marketing. Includes classroom lectures and discussions; supervised and independent student research.
MKT 493  International Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Learning to perform international analyses and segmentation, adapting goods and services to different customer needs across cultures, countries, and regions; assessing, monitoring and responding to global competition; coordinating and integrating market strategies across global markets.
MKT 495  Marketing Strategy (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Capstone course combining lecture, cases, and student discussion in a seminar setting. Examines and analyzes the marketing process with special emphasis on the development of comprehensive marketing plans. (Writing Intensive Course)
MKT 497  Market Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

The application of research techniques and procedures for assessing markets. Students will conduct an actual research project and submit results in a thesis-type report.
MKT 498  Senior Marketing Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 497.

Approval of Instructor. Independent research on a marketing topic jointly selected by student and instructor.