International Studies Minor

Students whose interest and/or career plans have an international orientation may wish to pursue a minor in International Studies. Twenty-four semester hours, distributed as follows, are required for the International Studies minor.

Students minoring in International Studies must take HY 101 Western Civilization I (3) and HY 102 Western Civilization II (3) and must take GY 120 World Regional Geography (3) and GY 220 Human Geography (3). The history courses and geography courses may also count toward the general studies curriculum history and social/behavioral science requirements.

Course Title Credits
Political Science 1
PSC 100Introduction to American Government (Political Science majors must take an additional course from the Global Studies field) 13
PSC 232Introduction to International Relations3
PSC 423American Foreign Policy3
Select one of the following: 3
Governments of Europe
Governments of Latin America
Governments of the Middle East
Governments of Asia
Geography 1
Select one of the following:3
Political Geography
Economic Geography
Topics in Cultural Geography (WI)
Select one of the following: 3
Advanced Regional Study
Cultural Anthropology
Current Social Issues 2
Select two from the following:6
Foreign Language-by advisement 2
History 2
History of Great Britain, 1689 to the Present
Russian History through the Revolutions of 1917
Russian History from 1855 to the Present
The Age of the Cold War: Europe, 1945-Present
Modern France
The British Empire and Commonwealth
Constitutional History of England
Modern Middle East
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
United States-Latin American Relations
History of Mexico
Religion, Spirituality, and Cults
College of Business and Industry
International Economics
International Finance
International Management
Total Hours24