General Business (CBA)

CBA 100  CBA Orientation  (1)  
Orientation to the CCBA. Topics include: Personal and social skills, academic/study skills, College career planning, advising, program requirements, and use of library.
CBA 115  Business Fundamentals/Orientation  (3)  
Course provides a general overview of the various functional business operations with an emphasis on the role of the enterprise within modern society. (Not open to CCBA Juniors and Seniors)
CBA 210  Information Technology for Business  (3)  
Introductory level, business-oriented, information technology course to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills used in business organizations, including hands-on experience with productivity applications, database management, and programming.
CBA 300  American Business Enterprise  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EC 221 and EC 222.

This course examines the evolution of business activity in America, including large industrial enterprises, monopolies, financial institutions, and finally, the rise of the internet and service economies. Scheduled on demand.
CBA 330  Business Professionalism  (3)  
This course provides business majors with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful future once they graduate with a business major.
CBA 340  The Business and Law of Cannabis  (3)  
This course prepares students to enter the landscape of the emerging Cannabis business. The course includes an overview of foundational business topics including management and law, as well as cannabis-specific instruction, including an up-to-date overview of legal, regulatory, business operational considerations and economic impacts.
CBA 350  Business Communications (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EH 101, EH 102, ACC 200, 210, EC 221, 222, MS 112, ST 260, and Junior Standing.

Corequisite(s): EH 141.

Prerequisites or Principles, procedures, and skills underlying oral and written communications in the field of business. (Writing Intensive Course)
CBA 390  Operations and Supply Chain Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and ST 261.

Students are introduced to the basic theories and practices of production and operations management as essential in the management of a business enterprise. Principles, concepts, and management-related issues and how operations management influences the performances of manufacturing and global operations strategy, project management, forecasting, new product development, quality management, process strategies, linear programming, etc. are included. Model formulations and applications are emphasized in solving business decision problems.
CBA 396  International Business  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ACC 200, 210, EC 221, 222, MS 112, ST 260, ST 260L. Junior Standing.

Study of the nature and scope of international business, including the basic problems associated with international trade, payments, investment, and cultural differences.
CBA 399  Study Abroad  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and department head.

Students will travel to a foreign country to participate in an academic program provided by a university located in that country. Students will also study business practices common to the particular country being visited. Cultural similarities and differences will also be a focus of the trip.
CBA 469  Business Policy and Strategy  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all 200-300 level CCBA Core courses - ACC 200, ACC 210, CBA 350 or EH 322, CBA 390, CS 201, EC 221, EC 222, EC 303 or EC 321 or EC 322, FIN 292, FIN 301, IME 375, MGT 301, MKT 301, and ST 345.

Senior status. Focuses on the formulation and implementation of business strategy and establishment and maintenance of an efficient organization.
CBA 487  Seminar in Entrepreneurial Service Learning  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior status and consent of instructor.

Supervised practical application of the principles of entrepreneurship and free enterprise. Students will create, organize, and execute projects in the local and regional communities. In addition, students will enhance their team building and communication skills. The course offers opportunities for networking with community and business leaders. This course is open to all majors and provides an excellent opportunity for students to engage in and benefit from service-learning.
CBA 488  Small Business Experience  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all 200-300 level CCBA Core courses - ACC 200, 210, CBA 350 or EH 322, CBA 390, 396, CS 201, EC 221, 222, 303 or 321 or 322, FIN 292, 301, IME 375, MGT 301, 305, MKT 301 and Senior status.

An integrating management course that focuses on the special problems and skills related to starting, maintaining and expanding small business in a dynamic environment.