Finance (FIN)

FIN 211  Financial Literacy  (3)  
This course provides students with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to make responsible financial decisions that align with their personal and financial goals.
FIN 292  Legal and Social Environment  (3)  
Examination of current problems and issues facing managers in a changing society. Explores business, government and interest-group interrelationships. Extensive examination of ethical considerations in business. May not be taken for credit if student has completed CBA 292, Business and Society.
FIN 301  Business Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ACC 200, ACC 210, EC 221 or EC 225, EC 222 or EC 226, MS 112, ST 260, and ST 261.

A survey of business finance. Coverage of the basic financial decisions including investment, financing, and dividend.
FIN 310  Entrepreneurial Finance  (3)  
This course introduces the financial concepts, tools and principles utilized by the entrepreneur to initiate, build, and develop a successful entrepreneurial venture. This course also examines the sources of financing necessary to initiate and develop the venture. Additional topics include proforma financial statement development; business valuation models; cash flow analysis; and raising capital from private investors, venture capitalists, and banks.
FIN 311  Personal Financial Planning  (3)  
Personal financial planning including time buying, insurance, housing, investments, budgeting, use of financial institutions, and taxes.
FIN 325  Alternative Investments in a Challenging Environment  (3)  
This course involves a study of alternative investments in a challenging environment, including: cryptocurrency, commodities, real estate, and others.
FIN 341  Principles of Real Estate  (3)  
Real estate ownership interest, legal processes, financing instruments and institutions, consideration of subdividing and zoning, federal housing litigation, and taxation.
FIN 343  Real Estate Appraisal  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 341.

Analysis of sites and buildings; collection, analysis interpretation of cost and market data; depreciation, capitalization; correlation of value factors; writing of appraisal reports.
FIN 344  Legal Aspects of Real Estate  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 341.

Estates in land, purchase and sales contracts, conveyances, mortgages and trust deed transactions, property taxes, landlord and tenant, wills and inheritance.
FIN 361  Bank Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

The commercial bank as a business enterprise; principles of organization and operation; regulatory framework; and problems of competition and growth.
FIN 370  Financial Analysis with Excel  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

A course that will utilize Microsoft Excel to develop models for analyzing and forecasting financial statements, create and use pivot tables, design interactive worksheets using Form Controls and Active X Controls, and present data utilizing Excel's chart tools.
FIN 397  Financial Institutions and Markets  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

Analysis of the operating policies of financial institutions and the effect upon the structure of the capital and money markets.
FIN 434  International Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

Problems in foreign operations and other aspects of multi-national-business; the role of international money and capital markets; financing trade and economics development.
FIN 440  Real Estate Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

Institutions, instruments and mortgage banking practices. Emphasis on analyzing mortgage risks, loan terms and rates, servicing, foreclosure, sources of mortgage credit and government influences.
FIN 441  Intermediate Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301.

A study of financial decision making. Profit planning, financing strategies, financial analysis and ethical questions are emphasized.
FIN 474  Investments  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 301 or equivalent.

A survey of investment principles and practices. Emphasis is given to security analysis and portfolio management, with special attention focused on the individual investor.
FIN 475  Advanced Topics in Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FIN 441.

Application of financial management techniques to capital structure policy, dividend policy, financing decisions, working capital management and corporate restructuring.
FIN 481  Seminar in Finance (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Should be taken in Senior year and have completed FIN 441.

Financial theories and problems involving investment, financing, and dividend decisions. (Writing Intensive Course)
FIN 486  Independent Research in Finance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of the department head.

Research will be conducted into an area of special interest documented by a thesis-styled research paper.
FIN 489  Finance Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior status and consent of the Instructor and Department Head.

Provides the finance major with practical experience in the field via an internship arrangement. Grade: Pass/Fail.