Film (FLM)

FLM 195  Explore Seminar  (1)  
This course provides a forum for assigned readings and discussion of ideas in response to a current issue/event. The topic of the course will vary. May be repeated for a total of three credit hours.
FLM 230  Introduction to Film  (3)  
Introduction to film terminology, history, and theory; overview of the film-making process from concept to completion.
FLM 231  Film Technology Foundations I  (3)  
Introduction to film production and technical crew positions. Best practices and techniques in lighting, audio, grip and other production positions with an emphasis on recognized safety standards.
FLM 232  Film Technology Foundations II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 231.

Continuation of FLM 231. Advanced techniques in set production and technical work.
FLM 235  Camera and Film Techniques  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 231.

Introduction to camera set up, operation, types, and lenses. Basic film techniques, including composition, setting up shots, and introductory setting.
FLM 240  Film Production  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 230.

An introduction to essential filmmaking skills from planning and pre-production through post-production.
FLM 298  Mid-degree Assessment  (0)  
An assessment of the student's progress and potential for successful completion of the degree requirements. Open to Film majors only. Grades: Pass/Fail.
FLM 331  Techniques for High Definition Cinematography  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 231, FLM 232, and FLM 235.

Advanced lighting and electronic imagery control in high definition cinematography. Experiences with light meters and digital single-lens reflex cameras.
FLM 399  Study Tour  (3)  
Topics, excursions, and requirements determined by department. May be duplicated for credit; however only three (3) credit hours may be applied to toward any major or minor. Subject to minimum and maximum numbers. Advance deposit required.
FLM 400  Film Theory (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 230, FLM 231, FLM 232, and junior standing.

Study of major critical theories about film and the theory and practice of film criticism. (Writing Intensive Course)
FLM 475  Independent Study in Film  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 230, FLM 231, FLM 232, DR 351 and Permission of instructor.

FLM 491  Internship in Film  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of 300+ level coursework in the major and permission of department head.

Students will receive on-the-job training and experience in an area relating to film. This course may be repeated for credit to a maximum of six (6) hours.
FLM 495  Special Topics in Film  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 230, FLM 231, FLM 232 or permission of instructor.

An examination of special topics in film. This course will explore topics related to film analysis, film industry, and film production. May be repeated for credit up to a total of nine (9) hours.
FLM 499  Film Capstone  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Film majors with senior standing and permission of department head.

Capstone experience for film majors.