Management (MGT)

MGT 301  Principles of Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

A basic course in general management principles and theories.
MGT 305  Organizational Behavior  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

The application of organizational behavior theories in developing managerial competencies in the area of leadership, motivation, team building, group dynamics, interpersonal and group conflict. Students in the Faster Master's program may take MGT 537 in lieu of this course.
MGT 330  Entrepreneurship  (3)  
Comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. A practical guide to starting a small business.
MGT 335  Business Programming  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): CS 201.

Introduction to programming with business examples including the concepts and structures of an event-driven programming language to implement business solutions. This course emphasizes the understanding of general problem-solving strategies and developing solutions through algorithm.
MGT 340  Venture Creation & Innovation  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 330.

This course challenges students to identify an opportunity and/or disrupt an industry through innovation. Students may work individually or in teams to design a startup company. Students are engaged in experiential exercises throughout the semester.
MGT 372  The Dynamics of Organizations  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

An analysis of the managerial process and dynamics of organization, with the organization viewed as a system interacting with a changing environment.
MGT 375  Introduction to Management Information Systems  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

Survey course in e-commerce and the digital enterprise. The course emphasizes using the web to learn about the web and the elements of e-business. Students work in team environments with groupware and collaboration software. Topics include digital design, web business models, web metrics, intelligent agents, dynamic pricing, security and privacy, governance models, and web ethics. In addition, this course focuses on a rich variety of IS models and strategies for connecting individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations to each other.
MGT 378  E-Commerce Marketing and Metrics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

An in-depth study of web business models, this course surveys major e-commerce markets and marketing strategies, including web pricing strategies. The course also focuses on web matrics and performance management criterion and how e-businesses utilize them. Focus group and survey research applications in the digital world are covered. Students will learn the effects electronic markets have on local, national, and global economics.
MGT 380  Project Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

This course focuses on three vital elements of project management: people, process, and technology. Students learn project management concepts, objectives, and tools, and how to utilize coaching strategies to manage complex e-business and e-commerce projects. Topics include the PM process, project planning, project execution, and project evaluation.
MGT 385  Human Resource Management (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

Basic principles, philosophies, and applications of personnel administration. (Writing Intensive Course)
MGT 387  Supervision  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301.

Study of the functions, techniques, and skills required to supervise in manufacturing and service businesses and non-profit organizations.
MGT 391  Employment Law  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and MGT 385.

Extensive use of cases, practical application of theory and research into the legal requirements of Employment Law.
MGT 410  Advanced Operations Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and CBA 390.

Students are exposed to the latest techniques and models in operations management through an in-depth exposure to the strategic importance of operations, planning and controlling use of resources, ensuring quality of products and services. The course content focuses on applications of linear programming, supply chain innovation, virtual operations with simulation, agile/lean operations, and supply chain analytics. Mini-projects and case studies will help students gain valuable insights for complex real-life problems.
MGT 420  Teams and Quality Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MGT 301 and 305.

Focuses on the development and use of teams to improve quality, productivity, and organizational processes. Examines concepts, philosophies, and tools used in managing for quality.
MGT 422  Seminar in Human Resource Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

A comprehensive course covering human resource management strategies, functions, and activities in modern organizations. Particular emphasis is placed on current -issues facing human resource managers in organizations.
MGT 450  E-Commerce Information Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Developing skills in utilizing e-commerce information to assist managerial decisions. Managing and integrating web page information.
MGT 468  Compensation Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

An applied study of the development of compensation packages including a review of major theories and techniques regarding internal consistency, external competitiveness, individual contribution, administrative procedures, and benefit.
MGT 475  Current Issues in e-Commerce  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Distinguished executive guest lecturers and the e-business faculty discuss topical issues related to business transformation and the cyber economy.
MGT 487  Business Analytics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 375.

Introduction to analytics from an organizational IT perspective including knowledge management, business intelligence to make business decisions, data visualization, and basic predictive modeling. Students learn fundamental concepts and tools for data collection and analysis, and how to develop data-driven business decisions.
MGT 489  Management Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and consent of the instructor.

Provides the management major with practical experience in the management field via an internship arrangement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
MGT 490  Collective Bargaining  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MGT 301 and 385.

A comprehensive study of employer and employee relations. Emphasis is placed on legislation, policies, and practices regarding negotiation and bargaining within the employer-union-employee relationship. Attention is also focused on the problem of handling and settling industrial controversy.
MGT 491  Management Seminar  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing.

A topical seminar which includes selected readings in current management literature combined with classroom lectures and discussions. Includes supervised and independent student research.
MGT 495  Business Decision Simulation  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

GPSS computer simulation software is used to construct business decision-making models. Problem analysis, report writing, and software use are emphasized.
MGT 496  International Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status.

Comparative study in managing the international, multinational and national business organization.
MGT 499  Senior Management Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status.

Approval of instructor. Independent research on a management topic jointly selected by student and instructor.