Marketing (MKT)

MKT 301  Principles of Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

An introduction to marketing strategy. Focuses on the application of product, promotion, price and distribution elements in satisfying the wants and needs of target markets.
MKT 325  Digital Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

This course provides students the theoretical understanding of the internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also introducing them to the real-world internet marketing problems through cases. This course will consist of lectures which introduce concepts/theories in digital marketing and case analyses which apply those concepts/theories to real-world, online marketing problems.
MKT 361  Sales/Sales Force Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

A study of the personal selling process. The course focuses on communications, motivation, planning, and practical application of sales techniques.
MKT 370  Transportation and Logistics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

Provides a broad and general exposure to transportation issues including modes of transportation, their relationships, and special uses. Business logistics including, but not limited to coverage of inventory, warehousing, materials and handling, packaging, and order procession and how transportation and logistics are interrelated are also covered.
MKT 371  Customer Relationship Management  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

CRM aids students in understanding how businesses successfully implement strategies, practices, and technologies designed to win and retain customers profitably. The main objective of this course is to equip students with a sound foundation of CRM concepts, best practices, and analytics utilizing state-of-the-art technologies (i.e., Salesforce) for the successful implementation of CRM practices.
MKT 378  Consumer Behavior  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

A study of fundamental activities, habits, and motives which affect consumer interest, trial, evaluation, usage, and disposal of products. Includes ethical marketing considerations. This course can be counted as a major or minor elective in the areas of finance and management.
MKT 394  Retailing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

This course is a study of the distribution management process of retailing. Topics include retail strategy; environment, location and store design; merchandise planning and control; pricing, sales promotion, and display; and customer service. This course also examines store, catalog, and online retail marketing strategies from a managerial perspective.
MKT 395  Business-To-Business Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

An analysis of marketing strategy as it applies to firms that engage in the production of finished products or services, including an examination of the buying behavior of profit and non-profit-making enterprises, as well as governmental agencies and the impact of e-commerce on these enterprises and processes. May not be taken for credit if student has completed MKT 363 - Industrial Marketing.
MKT 488  Advertising and Promotions  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

Investigation of methods used to communicate with markets, including advertising, sales promotion, re-seller support, publicity, public relations, and corporate advertising. Includes cases combining these topics with a managerial orientation (formerly MKT 377 and more recently MKT 388).
MKT 489  Marketing Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior status and consent of instructor.

Provides the marketing major with practical experience in the marketing field via an internship arrangement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
MKT 492  Senior Marketing Seminar  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Investigation and analysis of current literature and problems in the field of marketing. Includes classroom lectures and discussions; supervised and independent student research.
MKT 493  International Marketing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Learning to perform international analyses and segmentation, adapting goods and services to different customer needs across cultures, countries, and regions; assessing, monitoring and responding to global competition; coordinating and integrating market strategies across global markets.
MKT 495  Marketing Strategy (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

Capstone course combining lecture, cases, and student discussion in a seminar setting. Examines and analyzes the marketing process with special emphasis on the development of comprehensive marketing plans. (Writing Intensive Course)
MKT 497  Market Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior status and MKT 301.

The application of research techniques and procedures for assessing markets. Students will conduct an actual research project and submit results in a thesis-type report.
MKT 498  Senior Marketing Research  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MKT 497.

Approval of Instructor. Independent research on a marketing topic jointly selected by student and instructor.