Statistics (ST)

ST 260  Statistics/Quantitative Methods I  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): MS 112.

Quantitative methods and statistics as applied to business and economics including decision/optimization methods, descriptive statistics, probability & statistical inference.
ST 261  Statistics/Quantitative Methods II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ST 260.

Sampling and statistical inference; hypothesis testing; regression and correlation analysis; and analysis of variance.
ST 345  Data Analytics for Business  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ST 260 and ST 261.

An introductory course of Business Analytics that includes regression techniques and model building for big data, data visualization graphics, descriptive and predictive data mining, and simulation strategies for sampling and risk analyses. This course aims to build upon the software skills learned in the Quantitative Methods/Business Statics sequence.