Theatre (THR)

THR 146  Introduction to Performance  (3)  
An introductory theatre course for non-majors that highlights the intrinsic and transferrable skills central to performance. Course focuses on observation and analysis of verbal and nonverbal communication, ensemble building, emotional intelligence, and the many facets of character and audience, ultimately examining what it means “to perform” in a public setting.
THR 242  Introduction to the Theatre  (3)  
The appreciation of theatre as an expressive art form and as a business. A general survey of acting, directing, designing, playwriting, and audience participation.
THR 246  Acting Fundamentals  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Theatre major or minor, or instructor approval.

Introduces foundational acting concepts and techniques for developing a role through points of training including improvisation, character and scene study, and analysis, primarily using Stanislavski’s system.
THR 250  Student's Theatre  (1)  
Active participation in the department's plays in the areas of scenery construction, painting, lighting, costumes, and make-up. This course is repeatable for a maximum of two (2) credit hours.
THR 252  Honors Introduction to the Theatre  (3)  
Advanced strategies for developing an appreciation for theatre as an art form.
THR 254  Movement for the Actor  (3)  
The examination and application of the theories and exercises of movement and physicality for performance. Emphasis placed on physical health as well as the imaginative and artistic use of the whole body in the development of acting roles, including potential topics such as stage combat and period deportment.
THR 280  Play Analysis  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 242.

A study of analytical tools and critical approaches to theatrical texts for production, design, and performance.
THR 281  Theatrical Laboratory  (1)  
Experiments in the basics of acting. Limit 1 hour credit per semester.
THR 284  Stage Crafts  (3)  

Corequisite(s): THR 250.

Introduction to theatre technology, including scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting, and sound.
THR 285  Elements of Design  (3)  
An introduction to the principles and techniques of theatrical design.
THR 290  Voice for the Actor  (3)  
An acting course designed to deepen character and ensemble acting work through the exploration of various vocal techniques focused on diction, pronunciation, intonation, vocal placement and production, and character voice.
THR 298  Mid-degree Assessment  (0)  
For Theatre majors only. An assessment of the student's progress and potential for successful completion of the degree requirements. Grades: Pass/Fail.
THR 342  Directing  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246 and THR 298 or approval of instructor.

Fundamental principles of theatrical directing.
THR 343  Auditioning  (2)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246.

Exercises in preparing actors for auditions and portfolio review.
THR 344  Careers in Performance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246, THR 290, and THR 343.

An advanced acting course concentrating on the performance and business aspects of acting professionally.
THR 345  Portfolio Development for Theatre  (2)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 285 and THR 298.

Techniques for the development and presentation of a professional portfolio for theatrical designers, technicians and stage managers.
THR 346  Acting: Classical Styles  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246 or equivalent and THR 298.

Course focuses on an actor’s training with classical material, including advanced scene and monologue work from various classical and period plays, especially those involving verse and heightened language. Special attention will be paid to Shakespearean textual analysis and scene work.
THR 349  Theatre Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Two hours of THR 250 or permission of instructor.

Active participation in the department's plays in the areas of scenery construction, painting, lighting, costumes, make-up, management, or performance. Production assignments arranged through Theatre and Film faculty. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of two (2) hours.
THR 351  Playwriting and Screenwriting  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 242 or FLM 230 or EH 251 or instructor approval.

Study of basic script and screenplay writing techniques and the development of skills for writing scripts and screenplays.
THR 361  Theatre History I (WI)  (3)  
Conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. Audience, actors, patrons, physical conditions, architecture, and the relation to the other arts: Antiquity to 1600. (Writing Intensive Course)
THR 362  Theatre History II  (3)  
Conditions under which the great plays of the world have been produced. Audience, actors, patrons, physical conditions, architecture, and the relation to the other arts: 1600 to present.
THR 371  Scenic Design I  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 285.

Principles and problems of staging in arena, thrust, proscenium, and flexible theatres. Designs for settings of plays in models and perspective rendering.
THR 372  Scenic Design II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 371.

Advanced principles and problems of staging in arena, thrust, proscenium, and flexible theatres. Designs for settings of plays in models and perspective rendering.
THR 375  Stage Management  (2)  
A practical study of stage management duties, responsibilities, procedures, and organization during auditions, rehearsals, production meetings, and performance.
THR 377  Costume Design I  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 285.

Exploration of basic design elements and fabrics and their culmination into stage costume: period, character, and stylized.
THR 378  Costume Design II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 377.

Advanced exploration of the elements and principles of costume design, rendering characters and fabrics, and exploration of period and stylized costumes.
THR 381  Theatrical Laboratory  (1)  
Experiments in the basics of acting. Limit 1 hour credit per semester. Major production assignments in the department's plays in the areas of scenery, management, painting, lighting, costumes, and makeup or other technical/design assignment arranged with theatre faculty.
THR 383  Puppetry  (3)  
Scope and development of puppetry throughout the world. Practical experience in the design, making, and performing puppets.
THR 384  Theatre Technology  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 284.

Exploration and application of lighting, sound, and projection technology for theatre.
THR 385  Stage Carpentry  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 284.

A practical carpentry course that explores specialized woodworking and finishing techniques for the stage including scenery, furniture, tools, and materials.
THR 386  Stage Lighting  (3)  
Principles and problems of lighting for mood and effect in play production.
THR 387  Stage Makeup I  (3)  
Creation of straight, character, middle-age, old-age, beards, rubber prosthesis, and stylized make-up to aid the actor.
THR 388  Stage Costume History  (3)  
History of costume as to styles, period fabrics, construction, and movement for theatrical performance.
THR 389  Sound Design and Production  (3)  
Introduction to the principles of sound and the equipment used in sound production with an emphasis on digital audio, computer based editing, and Midi.
THR 391  Scene Painting  (3)  
Techniques of scene painting to include drop painting, perspective illusion, lighting consideration, budget, and equipment.
THR 398  Costume Techniques  (3)  
Basics of construction of stage costumes; alteration and repair of existing costumes, and the implementation of professional costume shop practices.
THR 399  Study Tour  (3)  
Topics, excursions, and requirements determined by department. May be duplicated for credit; however, only three (3) credits may be applied toward any major or minor. Infrequently scheduled and subject to minimum and maximum numbers. Advance deposit required.
THR 430  Film Techniques  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): FLM 231, FLM 232, and FLM 235.

Fundamental theories and practices of cinematography and editing for film and video. Practical cinematography exercises will utilize small, professional grade HD cameras in location settings. Editing exercise will utilize professional offline editing software to complete a small group-produced short film.
THR 440  Theatrical Drafting  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 284.

Development of scenic drafting techniques for production, including floor plans, elevations, sections and working drawings.
THR 441  Acting II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246.

Advanced acting scenes and approaches to performances.
THR 446  Acting: Advanced Techniques  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 242, THR 246 or equivalent, and THR 298.

Advanced acting techniques and approaches to performance, including work from non-traditional texts and styles (non-Realism, non-Western, avant-garde) and non-Stanislavsky-based acting techniques. Focuses on intensive scene work and complex character challenges.
THR 451  Design and Technical Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major production assignments in the department's plays in the areas of scenery, management, painting, lighting, costumes, and makeup or other technical/design assignment arranged with theatre faculty. May be repeated for credit for a total of three (3) semester hours.
THR 452  Design and Technical Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major production assignments in the department's plays in the areas of scenery, management, painting, lighting, costumes, and makeup or other technical/design assignment arranged with theatre faculty.
THR 453  Design and Technical Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major production assignments in the department's plays in the areas of scenery, management, painting, lighting, costumes, and makeup or other technical/design assignment arranged with theatre faculty.
THR 455  Music Theatre Dance  (3)  
Dance for musical theatre; a practical application of dance and movement in performance.
THR 463  Dramatic Theory  (3)  
An investigation into the major theories of drama from Aristotle to the present. Extensive reading of play scripts as well as analytical works.
THR 465  Musical Theatre  (3)  
A historical study of musical theatre in America from 1735 to the present. Emphasis is on theme, composers, performers, producers, and choreographers.
THR 470  Computer Aided Rendering for Theatre  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 285.

Development of digital rendering techniques for theatrical design utilizing graphic, paint, or three-dimensional computer modeling programs.
THR 475  Special Problems in Theatre  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Individually designed and supervised research projects or production assignments.
THR 479  Special Topics in Theatrical Studies  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 280 or instructor approval.

Advanced study of theatrical literature, research or performance studies. Topics will rotate. This course may be repeated for credit up to a maximum of nine hours.
THR 480  Special Topics in Design/Technology  (3)  
Advanced study of theatrical design or technical areas. Topics will rotate. This course may be repeated for credit up to a maximum of nine hours.
THR 482  Performance Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major performance roles in the areas of acting, directing, movement, and playwriting. May be repeated for credit for a total of three (3) semester hours.
THR 483  Performance Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major performance roles in the areas of acting, directing, movement, and playwriting.
THR 484  Performance Practicum  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

Major performance roles in the areas of acting, directing, movement, and playwriting.
THR 485  Special Topics in Performance  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 246 or instructor approval.

Advanced work in performance techniques. Topics will rotate. This course may be repeated for credit up to a maximum of nine hours.
THR 487  Stage Makeup II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): THR 387.

Advanced makeup techniques for theatre, film, and television. Creation of false teeth and prosthetics for three dimensional, old-age, and specialty makeup.
THR 490  Theatre Capstone (WI)  (2)  

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and instructor's permission.

Directed practicum in one of these areas: acting, directing, design, management, technology, or theatre education. (Writing Intensive Course)
THR 491  Theatre Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and permission of instructor.

Students will gain experience within an area of their specialization in a professional theatre setting. Grades: Pass/Fail.