University Honors (UH)

UH 101  Honors Lecture  (1)  
This course is an open forum for the discussion of ideas and submission of reflective papers and/or service learning projects. The topic of the course will vary each semester (service learning, education reform, poverty, tax reform, etc.). May be repeated for a total of two credit hours. Grades: Pass/Fail.
UH 201  Honors Forum  (1)  
Students attend selected campus events, followed by discussion and a reflection paper. Attendance is required at 3-5 events, as approved by the Honors Program. May be repeated for a total of two credit hours with permission from the Honors Program. Grades: Pass/Fail.
UH 202  Honors Book Club  (1)  
Students enrolled in this course will perform assigned readings and actively participate in class discussions. May be repeated for a total of two credit hours. Grades: Pass/Fail.
UH 205  Honors Professional Preparation Seminar  (1)  
Students enrolled in this course will be required to participate in discussions and complete work on seminar-style presentations on subjects related to their major or future career goals. They may be asked to attend a minimum number of campus events (pre-approved by Honors) including interactions with representatives from professional programs or prospective employers. Students will submit structured reflection on these experiences. May be repeated for a total of two credit hours with permission from the Honors Program. Grades: Pass/Fail.
UH 300  Honors Special Topics: Interdisciplinary  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Members of the Honors Program in good standing with sophomore level or higher or permission of the Honors Program.

The topic will vary and appeal to students from various disciplines. This course will provide Honors students the opportunity to draw on their educational experience and utilize their critical thinking skills in an interdisciplinary manner. May be repeated for a total of two credit hours. Students may not repeat the same course topic or theme.
UH 398  Honors Study Away  (1-18)  
(1 to 18). Involves domestic study for Honors credit. Topics, excursions, and requirements determined by the Honors Program. May be duplicated for credit; however only three (3) credits may be applied toward the completion of the required Honors hours. Subject to minimum and maximum numbers. Advance deposit and permission of the Honors Program required.
UH 399  Honors Study Abroad  (1-18)  
(1 to 18). Involves short-term and long-term international study for Honors credit. Topics, excursions, and requirements determined by the Honors Program. May be duplicated for credit; however only three (3) credits may be applied toward the completion of the required Honors hours. Subject to minimum and maximum numbers. Advance deposit and permission of the Honors Program required.
UH 439  University Honors Model Debate Team: Global Issues  (1)  

Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status, member of the Honors Program in good standing, and permission of instructor.

Students learn about global issues by representing other countries in model simulations such as Model United Nations and Model Arab League. Students research, write, debate, negotiate and pass resolutions on issues of international concern. Repeatable up to four (4) times, but only three (3) hours count toward Honors credit. This course is cross listed with PSC 439, and only one course may be taken for credit.