Education (ED)

ED 104  Teaching for the Future: STEAM in P-12  (3)  
Prepare students for integrating STEAM and new technologies into the P-12 curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on introducing 21st Century Skills (communicating, collaborating, creating, problem-solving and critical thinking), project and inquiry-based learning, quality questioning, and ISTE standards.
ED 302  Introductory Foundations in Teacher Education (WI)  (3)  
This is an introductory foundations course to teacher education and the College of Education and Professional Studies Conceptual Framework. Students observe classroom teaching techniques, participate in on-campus and/or off-campus tutoring program for K-12 students, and prepare for eligibility in the Teacher Education Program. It is a requirement for all initial education candidates (those seeking a Class-B teaching certificate), and is required prior to Teacher Education Program eligibility. ED 302 is to be taken after 30 semester hours of core curriculum coursework have been been completed. (Writing Intensive Course)
ED 408  Internship in Applied Teaching and Learning  (3)  
This is a course for teacher candidates whose edTPA submissions do not meet the professional performance standards as defined by the Alabama Department of Education. This course will include an internship experience coupled with support and guidance for retakes of the edTPA. Enrollment in ED 408 requires permission of the Department Head and approved edTPA retake planned designed by the candidate and the assigned academic program faculty mentor.
ED 495  Internship in Education  (6)  

Prerequisite(s): All general studies, professional, and teaching field courses must be successfully completed; approval of the academic advisor is required; all exams required for certification in a student’s teaching field/major must be passed prior to beginning Internship (this does not include edTPA, as this assessment must be completed during Internship). Pass/Fail only.

Corequisite(s): ED 496. Pass/Fail only.

Internship is a semester-long teaching experience in an approved school setting. Students will work under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor. The education degree candidate is required to take six (6) hours of internship. The internship semester is the final semester in each of the education programs. Grades: Pass/Fail only.
ED 496  Reflective Practices in Education (WI)  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): All general studies, professional studies and teaching field courses, and approval of academic advisor.

Corequisite(s): To be taken concurrently with ED 495.

This seminar course is intended to serve as a support mechanism and bridge between methods courses and the internship experience. Class activities involving readings, reflective journals, group discussions, portfolio development, and successful completion of a culminating teacher performance assessment will be used to facilitate individual growth and professional development. Grade of Pass/Fail only. (Writing Intensive Course)