Career Technical Education (CTE)

CTE 500  History and Philosophy of Career Technical Education  (3)  
Investigation and study of the historical foundations and the philosophy of the profession of Career Technical Education.
CTE 506  Practicum in CTE  (3)  
Directed experiences including observation and participation in career technical education programs and classrooms. Provides opportunities to observe and teach as well as apply theories and concepts. Seminars will be held in conjunction with this course.
CTE 516  Methods of Teaching for CTE  (3)  
Planning and implementing instructional methods and materials in middle and secondary career technical education programs. Some field experiences are required.
CTE 544  Assessment of Learning for Career and Technical Education  (3)  
This course provides practice in implementing appropriate evaluation of learning at the middle and secondary level for Career and Technical programs.
CTE 550  Basic Competencies for Career and Technical Education  (3)  
Foundational skills needed to teach, organize, and maintain career and technical programs in middle and secondary schools. Requirements to meet state and federal guidelines are covered. Professional skills needed to secure and maintain employment in CTE Teaching Fields.
CTE 560  Advanced Methods for Teaching Career Technical Education  (3)  
Study of Advanced Methods for Teaching Career Technical Education.