Instructional Leadership (IL)

IL 504  Graduate Education and Technology  (3)  
An introductory course for students accepted into the Instructional Leadership program. Students will be instructed on expectations surrounding the program of study. The course will also serve to develop technology skills specific to locating, creating, and disseminating information for educational purposes. Students accepted to the Instructional Leadership program are required to take IL 504 the first semester of enrollment.
IL 510  Action Research  (3)  
A study of the basic elements of action research design with effective research and evaluative strategies.
IL 552  Diversity Issues for Instructional Leaders  (3)  
Study of issues in multiculturalism, globalism, and comparative education as they influence educational leadership, school curricular design, and emerging educational policy.
IL 553  Leading for Learning  (3)  
Principles of curriculum development, staff development, and instructional leadership at the local school and system levels.
IL 555  Management of the Learning Organization I  (3)  
Development and managing financial resources to enhance student learning. This new course will replace EAD 563 School Finance.
IL 556  Management of the Learning Organization II  (3)  
Processes and procedures to develop and enhance the school's learning environment. This new course will replace EAD 556 Management of Student Services.
IL 562  Leading Change for Student Learning  (3)  
Analysis of basic concepts of school administration with special emphasis on leadership, management, and administration.
IL 564  Law and Ethics  (3)  
Legal and political structures under which public schools function with emphasis on school-community interaction and student services.
IL 566  Internship in Instructional Leadership  (3)  
Supervised field-based experience; observation, study, and analysis of the administration of educational programs in selected schools; requires a minimum of 300 clock hours of supervised internship. Should be scheduled at the end of a student's program. A student must be in the last or next-to-last semester of study to register for this course. Must be completed at JSU. Fall and Spring only.
IL 576  Internship in Instructional Leadership and Residency  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Passing scores on the Praxis II

Corequisite(s): IL 553, 556, 562, 564, and EAD 563.

Prerequisites or May be taken before or after IL 566 with permission of advisor. Either IL 566 or IL 576 must be taken in the last semester. Supervised field experience including participation in and leadership of educational programs in selected schools under the supervision of a mentor who is a practicing school administrator, and a university supervisor: includes the ten-day residency; must be scheduled during the last or next-to-last semester of study, must be completed at JSU; is offered fall, spring, and summer semesters.
IL 610  Research in Educational Administration  (3)  
Introduction to and utilization of essential research skills with an emphasis on application, ethics, and report-writing as commonly needed in the field; should be scheduled early in the program.
IL 612  Planning and Managing Facilities and Programs  (3)  
Procedures and issues related to design, development, and operation of educational facilities and programs.
IL 614  Internship in Personnel Development I  (3)  
Procedures and issues related to development of and administration of effective and efficient processes for hiring, mentoring, and inducting new faculty.
IL 620  Internship in Personnel Development II  (3)  
The study of supervisory leadership for personnel development focusing on instructional improvement.
IL 622  Effective Schools Research  (3)  
Critique of research literature on effective schools and effective instruction with implications for school administrators.
IL 632  Research in Instructional Leadership  (3)  
Study of the research process, analysis and evaluation of selected research literature, and actual research proposal development.
IL 636  School Plant Planning  (3)  
Procedures and issues related to design, development, and operation of educational plant facilities.
IL 637  School Personnel Administration  (3)  
Procedures and issues related to administration of effective and efficient school personnel programs.
IL 648  Curriculum Issues in Administration  (3)  
Analysis and discussion of curriculum issues and application of a process approach to curriculum review and development in the local/school district level.
IL 650  Seminar in Curriculum Development  (3)  
The study of theory and practice of curriculum development.
IL 655  Supervision and Staff Development  (3)  
Study of theories of supervision; assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating staff development programs; mentorships. (Open to instructional leadership majors only.)
IL 681  Problems in Instructional Leadership and Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): IL 610.

Development of a practical problem-solving process in relation to the administration of schools and school systems. This course culminates in a public presentation of a school-based problem-solving project. Course must be scheduled near the end of a student's program.
IL 682  Problems in Instructional Leadership II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): IL 681.

Continuation of practical problem-solving in relation to the administration of schools and school systems culminating in a public presentation of a school based problem-solving project.
IL 691  Problems in Instructional Leadership I and Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): IL 612.

Development of a practical problem-solving process in relation to the administration of schools and school systems. This course culminates in a public presentation of a school-based problem-solving project. Course must be scheduled near the end of a student's program. (This course is cross-listed with EFD 691; only one of these courses can be used for course credit.)
IL 692  Problems in Instructional Leadership II and Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): IL 691.

Continuation of practical problem-solving in relation to the administration of schools and school systems culminating in a public presentation of a school based problem-solving project. (This course is cross-listed with EFD 692; only one of these courses may be used for course credit.)