Educational Psychology (EPY)

EPY 525  Lifespan Development  (3)  
A study of principles and concepts of physical, cognitive, personality, and social development from birth through death.
EPY 529  Developmental Psychology  (2)  

Corequisite(s): EPY 430.

Covers stages of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development in school-aged persons from a global and multicultural perspective. This course is a prequisite for ESE 404 and ESE 484. Requires Teacher Education Program eligibility.
EPY 542  Educational Measurement  (2)  
An introduction to measurement and evaluation of students' achievement. The construction of bias free, teacher generated, paper-pencil, achievement tests, uses of standardized assessments in school settings, and descriptive statistics are covered. Requires Teacher Education Program eligibility.
EPY 592  Individual/Group Appraisal  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): EFD 501 or equivalent. evaluation of assessment instruments and programs.

Underlying concepts of assessment methods, practice in administration and interpretation of standardized tests, and evaluation of assessment instruments and programs.