Business Administration (BA)

BA 500  Statistics and Quantitative Methods  (3)  
Quantitative methods and statistics as applied to business and economics; topics include optimization, descriptive statistics, probability theory, sampling and statistical inference, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation analysis, and analysis of variance. MBA students cannot receive elective credit for this course.
BA 501  Organizational Communication  (3)  
Focuses on prevalent communication skills in complex organizations; students participate in a variety of communication-related activities including questionnaire design, developing presentation materials, presentational speaking, and researching and writing an effective business report; topics include organizational communication, nonverbal communication, and communication technology.
BA 502  Contemporary Economic Fundamentals  (3)  
Students will learn microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts. Topics include demand and supply analysis, firm structure, macroeconomic data, and analysis of macroeconomic models. MBA students cannot receive elective credit for this course.
BA 505  Overview of the U.S. Healthcare System  (3)  
This course provides a broad overview of the healthcare system in the United States. Topics include basic healthcare accounting principles, the evolution and structure of the system, and current issues that affect the system. Students will be introduced to the different sectors of the U.S. healthcare system such as ambulatory, mental health, acute, and long-term care. Students will also be introduced to the three main issues facing all healthcare systems: quality, access, and cost.
BA 511  Concepts of Finance and Accounting  (3)  
Examines the essential concepts of financial reporting, budgeting and analysis for decision making. Topics include: understanding financial information, analysis of financial statement, budgeting and capital investment, and financing strategies. MBA students cannot receive elective credit for this course.
BA 515  Healthcare Finance and Accounting  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): BA 505 or BA 511 unless an exemption has been granted by the Graduate Business Programs Coordinator.

This course provides a basic overview of the healthcare finance system in the United States, the important accounting concepts students will use in the workplace, and healthcare finance concepts relating to managing a healthcare practice.
BA 520  Healthcare Analytics  (3)  
A graduate level approach to healthcare administration decision-making using data-driven techniques and results from software programs in a healthcare-related field. Topics will include database management for large electronic healthcare datasets, data visualization methods to generate graphics and dashboard for presentations, and descriptive data mining techniques to detect patterns in the data.
BA 525  The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Healthcare  (3)  
Examines legal and regulatory principals and their application in the US healthcare system. Topics include, but not necessarily limited to: the legal system, medicine and access to care; legal aspects of the profession-patient relationship; legal aspects of liability for healthcare organizations; and the regulatory environment of healthcare.
BA 530  Business Analytics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): BA 500, or MS 204, or ST 260 and ST 261.

A graduate-level course of Business Analytics that builds upon the software skills learned in the undergraduate Quantitative Methods/Business Statistics course and introduces statistical analysis programming techniques using R (R Studio). Additionally, emphasis will be placed on interpreting and summarizing results. Topics include data management and data cleansing, data visualization graphics, regression techniques and model building for big data, descriptive and predictive data mining.
BA 545  Quantitative Methods for Business Decision Making  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): BA 500 or equivalent.

Provides scientific approaches to business problem solving using mathematics, statistics, and operations research/management science techniques. Examines advanced theories of linear programming, forecasting, decision models, project and inventory management, and simulation methods in business decision-making. Analytical computer packages are used to solve problems and case studies are used to help students to gain managerial insights to deal with real-world business problems.
BA 550  Supply Chain Analytics  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): BA 530.

Students will learn how analytics can be applied to current supply chain issues. Topics include demand forecasting for new products, supply chain design, transportation analytics, sales and operations analytics in production, inventory management, similariton and the application of analytics to big data in supply chain management. Software packages such as Excel/Excel Solver and R Studio will be utilized. Students from outside the MBA program must receive approval from the instructor.
BA 587  Business Policy and Strategy  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): at least 18 hours of M.B.A. course work including ACC 512, FIN 515 and MKT 513.

Corequisite(s): EC 515.

Prerequisite or Integrative study of strategic decision-making and policy formulation; extensive reading and case analysis. BA 587 must be taken at JSU.
BA 590  International Business  (3)  
Provides an integrated treatment of theory and applications relative to international business and the U.S. Includes the impact of cultural, legal, and environmental issues on business; understanding foreign exchange markets, foreign direct investment, and entry modes into developing markets; and analyzes international markets as prospective locations. Presents the world from diverse perspectives, including those of small and midsize international companies and developing country multinationals. Investigates motives and needs of global competitors, customers, and partners.