Early Childhood Education (ECE)

ECE 500  Materials and Methods  (3)  
Twenty-first century instructional processes, program, and strategies for teaching and learning in P-3 classrooms.
ECE 501  Behavior and Development in Early Childhood  (3)  
Physical, emotional, intellectual, and social components of development, their interrelationships and their effect on later functioning; psychological principles.
ECE 507  Assessment in Early Childhood Education  (3)  
Review the use of assessment procedures which are developmentally appropriate for the use in early childhood education. This course is cross-listed with EED 522, and only one may be taken for credit.
ECE 510  Early Childhood Math and Science for the 21st Century  (3)  
This course will acquaint graduate candidates with methods, materials, and developmentally appropriate practice to integrate 21st century tools in teaching math and science for P-3 students.
ECE 512  Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education  (3)  
Practicum experiences working with young children with disabilities, ages infancy to eight.
ECE 513  Individualization of Education for Young Children  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor.

Methods and procedures for individualizing instruction.
ECE 530  Practicum for Young Children  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Requires Teacher Education Program eligibility.

Corequisite(s): EED 511, EED 512, and EED 513.

Theory, school design, scheduling, and equipment. A practicum is required.
ECE 533  Enhancing Learning Through Children's Literature  (3)  
Corequistes: EED 530, RDG 520 and RDG 521. Techniques and strategies to utilize children's literature to enhance the early childhood curriculum. ECE 533 is cross-listed with EED 533 and only one course may be counted for credit.
ECE 539  Teaching Writing in Early Childhood Education  (3)  
Theories, methods, and current research involving writing instruction; emphasis on P-3.
ECE 540  Intervention in the Early Childhood Classroom  (3)  
Theory and research-based practices used in early childhood education and early education special education. Emphasis on strategies to plan developmentally appropriate activities for all children.
ECE 545  Literacy Interventions in the Early Childhood Classroom  (3)  
Current trends in assessing literacy development and providing intervention in identified problems will be addressed in this course. Theories, assessments, and strategies used in reading and writing interventions for emerging and beginning readers and writers who may be at risk for difficulties in language literacy will be discussed. These strategies include, but are not limited to, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The development of individualized and small group reading programs designed to match student needs will be addressed. Assessments such as running records, spelling inventories, evaluating writing samples, and interpreting test scores such as DIBELS and Global Scholar will also be discussed.
ECE 631  Teacher as Researcher/Issues and Trends in ECE  (3)  
Exploration of current research and issues and trends in early childhood education; review and comparison of selected teacher research projects, and examination of the concept and practice of teacher research as a strategy to build school collaboration and strengthen the professional role of teachers. ECE 631 is cross-listed with EED 631 and only one course may be counted for credit.
ECE 642  Professional Publications in Early Childhood Education  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ECE 631.

Opportunity for students to develop and refine professional writing skills. ECE 642 is cross-listed with EED 642 and only one course may be counted for credit.