Counselor Education (ECG)

ECG 500  Counseling Principles in Technological Applications  (3)  
Orientation to graduate courses and the counseling program. Review of APA and additional information regarding writing at the graduate level. Current technology in relation to the field of counseling will be emphasized. Course includes ten hours of group counseling experience and a series of personal assessments. Required of all counselor education students during the first semester of class.
ECG 501  Assessment in Counseling  (3)  
Examines the role of assessment in counseling and emphasizes basic techniques of appraisal and psychometric constructs associated with testing. Exposes students to a variety of educational and psychological tests. Emphasis in on those aspects important to the counselor as a consumer and administrator of testing information.
ECG 506  Professional Counseling Orientation and Technology  (3)  
Required first semester. This course presents an overview of historical and contemporary developments in the practice of professional counseling. Information related to: (a) professional roles and responsibilities; (b) professional organizations; (c) state and national credentialing; and (d) counselor advocacy will be addressed. This course will also provide instruction on technological use and applications in addition to program specific material for Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling majors. All students will be required to participate in a 10-hour group counseling experience.
ECG 523  Social & Cultural Diversity in Counseling  (3)  
This course is designed to assist students in understanding the impact of social/cultural forces upon identity development and formation. Students will explore various components of our pluralistic society and how oppressive systems can exclude and harm individuals. Change theory and advocacy principles will be introduced to aid students in dealing with these issues in their communities and with clients.
ECG 525  Pre-Practicum: Skills & Techniques in Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ECG 506 and ECG 553.

This course provides students an introduction to the counseling profession and helping relationships. The course will emphasize personal growth, self-awareness, and professional behavior. Students will experience the helping relationship as both client and counselor.
ECG 526  Professional Ethics and Legal Issues  (3)  
Focus on the skills and competencies necessary in dealing effectively with the complex ethical standards and legal guidelines corresponding to clinical mental health and school counseling settings. Students will gain experience in ethical decision-making and consultation with other professionals. Offered Fall and Summer Terms.
ECG 527  Organization and Administration of Counseling Services  (3)  
Function, organization and evaluation of guidance services in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and junior colleges, and community agencies with emphasis on public schools. Topics include: 1) basic guidance services; 2) functions of school personnel; 3) organizational patterns for guidance services; 4) selection criteria training and certification of guidance personnel 5) organization of counseling, individual analysis, information placement and follow-up services; 6) administration of guidance services; 7) consultation services.
ECG 528  Introduction to Play Therapy  (3)  
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of play therapy. Students will learn the basic concepts of play therapy, as well as the attitudes and skills necessary to establish and maintain facilitative relationships with children that encourage their expression, self-understanding, and personal growth and development.
ECG 529  Children and Grief  (3)  
This course provides the theoretical and clinical applications necessary to begin working with children facing grief and loss. The course is designed to give exposure to the dynamics of death, dying, and grief in the specific context of the developing child. The ultimate goal of the course is to provide the philosophical, theoretical, and practical foundation to effectively work with bereaved children who are confronted with grief and loss.
ECG 530  Couple, Marriage and Family Counseling  (3)  
This course provides an overview of the nature of family systems relationships and family development. Particular emphasis will be given to the theory and practice of marital and family therapy. Students will examine both theoretical and empirical elements of family counseling which can be applied to marriage and family systems. After 2013, offered Fall and Spring terms.
ECG 535  Rehabilitation Counseling  (3)  
This rehabilitation counseling course introduces the student to the legislative, historial, and philosophical roots of rehabilitation in America. A strong foundation of disability categories will be presented and discussed including physical, emotional, cognitive, and sensory disabilities. The course will introduce the student to the professional expectations, values, and ethical standards of the profession of rehabilitation counseling.
ECG 540  Psychopathology: Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM Disorders  (3)  
In this course the student will examine the history, description, definition, causes, and treatment of psychological disorders. Course topic areas will include psychological disorders throughout the life span, multiaxial assessment, DSM diagnosis, and treatment of the disorders. Offered Fall and Summer terms.
ECG 553  Theory and Process  (3)  
An examination of the major counseling theories and related techniques and an overview of the counseling relationship.
ECG 556  Career Development  (3)  
An introduction to career development theories and concepts and related resources and practices for career planning and decision-making.
ECG 558  Counseling Children/Adolescents  (3)  
Development of programs, practices, and techniques which address the unique needs of children and youth through college age.
ECG 559  Geriatric Counseling  (3)  
This course will provide students with skills and background information in counseling older adults, their family members and/or caretakers. In addition, this course will provide students with the opportunity to acquire a conceptual understanding of both the normal process of human aging, and variant processes.
ECG 560  Substance and Behavioral Addictions in Counseling  (3)  
This course will provide an overview of the addictive process and addictive behaviors (e.g., substance abuse and gambling). Theories of addiction counseling and application of these theories will comprise a significant part of this course, particularly with how they apply to work with individuals, couples, families and groups. Co-occurring disorders, such as process addictions and mental illnesses will also be addressed. Offered Fall and Spring terms.
ECG 565  Psychopharmacology  (3)  
This course provides an introduction to substance abuse counseling and related issues, including an overview of the historical context, etiological theories, and psychoactive impact of substances on the brain. The course will focus on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of substance abuse/dependence with emphasis on clinical counseling practice informed by theory and research. Offered Spring and Summer terms.
ECG 585  Practicum: Applied Skills & Techniques in Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ECG 506, ECG 525, ECG 526, ECG 553, ECG 591, and passing score on Midpoint Exam.

Practicum is a clinical, experimental course that requires students to complete hours in a professional setting. The student will apply counseling techniques and skills in a supervised setting. The student will participate in the counseling process, refine techniques, and further enhance his/her therapeutic development.
ECG 588  Crisis Counseling Intervention Strategies  (3)  
Basic concepts and steps of crisis intervention with a focus on the background, dynamics, and strategies related to specific crises. Offered Spring and Summer terms.
ECG 589  Psychological First Aid & Disaster Counseling  (3)  
An examination of the principles of working with individuals who have experienced a crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event. Issues addressed include: impact of crisis and disasters as well as disgnosis and treatment planning appropriate to disaster response in diverse populations; the role of the counselor as a member of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team; and theoretical models of crisis and disaster counseling. After 2013, offered Fall and Summer terms.
ECG 591  Group Procedures in Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ECG 506 and 553.

Principles of group counseling, ethical considerations and dynamics of group interaction. Implement theories and techniques in group therapy sessions. Multicultural problems included.
ECG 593  Internship in School Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor, ECG 585, and a passing score in the appropriate Praxis II. Must be completed at JSU. A 300 clock hour supervised field experience in an appropriate K-12 school setting.

ECG 594  Internship in School Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of the instructor and ECG 585.

A 300 clock hour supervised field experience in an appropriate K-12 school setting. Must be completed at JSU.
ECG 595  Clinical Experience I in Mental Health Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor, ECG 585.

(3) Each course requires a 300 clock hour supervised field experience in an appropriate job setting; Clinical Experiences limited to three semester hours in enrollment periods of less than 15 weeks.
ECG 596  Clinical Experience II in Mental Health Counseling  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor and ECG 585.

Each course requires a 300 clock hour supervised field experience in an appropriate job setting; Clinical Experiences limited to three semester hours in enrollment periods of less than 15 weeks.
ECG 634  Advanced Counseling Theories  (3)  
Examination of a variety of counseling theories through selection, both individually and as a group, of theories on which to focus throughout the semester.
ECG 637  Advanced Career Counseling  (3)  
Laboratory-based course, merging contemporary career theory with actual field practice; selection and administration of a battery of assessment instruments to individuals at significant life stages, scoring and interpretation of the test battery; presentation of findings and recommendations.
ECG 646  Advanced Group Procedures in Counseling  (3)  
Various theories of group work, review of basic group leadership skills, and basics of group process; provides integration of concepts and skills; opportunities to lead groups with supervision and ongoing feedback, participation in demonstrations of various group models, writing of reaction/thought/positions papers.
ECG 655  Holistic Counseling: Spirit, Soul and Body  (3)  
An examination of counseling theory and related techniques that embrace holistic counseling that assesses and treats the whole person - spirit, soul, and body.
ECG 691  Action Research Counseling I  (3)  
Identification and analysis of problems specific to the current counseling environment with emphasis on development of innovative and unique solutions. To be taken near the end of the program.
ECG 692  Action Research in Counseling II  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): ECG 691.

Must be taken in the last semester of enrollment. Continuation of identification and analysis of problems specific to the current counseling environment with emphasis on development of innovative and unique solutions.
ECG 693  Supervision in Counseling  (3)  
Study of the supervision process in counseling highlighting legal and ethical issues, trends, multicultural considerations, and evaluation; both classroom seminars and supervision of master's students in clinical experiences required.