Public Administration (PA)

PA 500  Foundations of Public Administration  (3)  
Explores the evolutionary process of American public administration with the intent of focusing on theoretical and applied contexts of contemporary public administration. Special attention is placed upon the role of administration as it applies to the legislative-executive relations (including accountability, transparency and responsibility in democratic administration), the role of administration in the policymaking process, the legal basis for public administration, and financial and personnel responsibilities of administrators in the public sector.
PA 501  Public Policy Process and Analysis  (3)  
Policy theory is used to understand the development of public policy, including stakeholder identification and participation in the process of making and implementing public policy. Analytical tools to evaluate public policy and options toward policy change are included in the course content.
PA 502  Research Methods in Public Administration  (3)  
Social research methods and their application to public administration; examination of the role of social research in the analysis, interpretation and clarification of problems in public administration. (PA 502 is cross-listed with CJ 502 and only one course may be counted for credit.)
PA 504  Leadership and Ethics in the Public Sector  (3)  
Ethical reasoning methods and problem-solving techniques ensure ethical decisions are made in the public sector. Decision-making models allow leaders to make the best decisions for the organization and the public. Leadership must include ethical decision-making and include a variety of inputs for effective decisions to be made. Course content also includes leadership styles and qualities of effective leadership.
PA 512  Intergovernmental Relations  (3)  
Examines the development, institutions, processes, and problems of state and local government in the United States and their interaction with each other and with the federal government.
PA 521  Administrative Law  (3)  
Legal principles and procedures involved in administration of government agencies.
PA 531  HR Management in the Public Sector  (3)  
Functions, procedures, and problems of personnel management at all levels of government.
PA 532  Budgeting and Finance in the Public Sector  (3)  
Collection, custody, and expenditure of public revenue, public borrowing and debt management, preparation and execution of the budget, and financial accountability for public spending.
PA 540  Public Organizational Theory  (3)  
This course is designed to enhance the study of complex organizational structures and the behavior of individuals working within those organizations. An emphasis is placed on public institutions and the affect different organizational structures and behaviors have on public policy.
PA 545  Seminar in Public Administration  (3)  
Theories, or models, of administrative organization and behavior and examination of relationship between public administration and political process.
PA 546  Diversity in the Workplace  (3)  
This public administration course examines how and why race, class, and gender differences inform and shape our legal and social structures and impact the legal decision-making process, social change, and social institutions of modern American Society.
PA 555  Seminar in Comparative Public Administration  (3)  
Comparison of approaches to and problems associated with public administration in different nation types: western/nonwestern; developed/underdeveloped; large/small; and open/closed.
PA 582  Grantwriting  (3)  
Practical course instructing the steps involved in the grantwriting process. This course includes strategic planning, research, finding appropriate grant sources and writing the grant.
PA 585  Directed Studies in Public Administration  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of the department head and approval of instructor.

In-depth study of selected topics.
PA 586  Directed Studies in Public Administration  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of department head and approval of instructor.

In-depth study of selected topics.
PA 597  Public Affairs Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of department head, program director, and instructor.

Supervised administrative assignment in office of an area public and/or private agency for a minimum of eight hours per week. Students who are eligible for an internship waiver will take an approved 3-hour PA elective to replace the internship requirement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
PA 598  Public Affairs Internship  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Approval of department head and approval of instructor.

Supervised administrative assignment in office of an area public and/or private agency for a minimum of eight hours per week. Students who are eligible for an internship waiver will take an approved 3-hour PA elective to replace the internship requirement. Grades: Pass/Fail.
PA 599  Capstone Project in Public Administration  (3)  

Prerequisite(s): Completion of the Program’s core courses, and permission by the Director of the MPA Program and Office of Graduate Studies.

The Capstone Project offers each student the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the theory and practice of public administration by applying the knowledge and skills gained in the MPA program to a project of the student’s choice. This involves completing a project report reflecting the cumulative knowledge gained from these experiences. The course is intended only for students who are completing their Masters of Public Administration (MPA). Students will complete the MPA Capstone Project in the last semester of coursework.